Originally Posted by giz2000
Private schools are not all they're made out to be. Many teachers are not certified, and they don't have to meet any state minimum standards (at least they don't have to in FL). There are some really good public schools out there. You just have to find them, and if it takes moving somewhere so that your kids can get a good education, then so be it (that's just my 2 cents' worth)...I am not totally opposed to the idea of homeschooling either...depends on how you do it.
That doesn't make any sense.
Moving somewhere where there may or may not be a job that would support the family in an area where there's not an established support network?
That's crazy.
My kids go to a school district right now that as they grow older becomes more and more of a meat grinder. It's not that it's hard, it's just that it's extremely competitive and is the best in our area.
Two of my kids have personality for it.
Two of my kids are going to be eaten alive if they're allowed to continue public education in the high school.
Texas would allow me to xfer the two to any school district in my area, as long as husband or I take them to school in teh a.m. and pick them up in the p.m.
Except...the school district we belong to is the best in the area. And, my other two WILL thrive in it. The two who won't? Well here are my choices:
Send my children to a school notorious for gang fights.
Send my children to a different school, notorious for drug usage.
Send them to ANOTHER different school, notorious for being where the pregnant girls and underperformers are sent.
Send them to another school that is more poverty stricken than any school in the area.
OR ~ we can displace our entire family, move to my hometown area, have my kids (all four of them), go to a district where they will receive a good education. The two who aren't 'traditional' learners/thinkers will receive attention, the two who are going to thrive no matter what are going to be BMOCs.
We can do that.
Of course...to do that is to take my kids away from a stable life with a nice house, swimming pool, big yard, friends they know, conveniences they take for granted, activities they're fond of, and a lifestyle they mostly appreciate for a smaller house, no pool, perhaps not even a real house, while my husband makes a 2.5 hour commute EACH WAY everyday to work a job that will support a family of six. The school district up there? It's fantastic.
The job options? Not so much. We'd be lucky not to be living in a double wide in the middle of the boondocks. The town in question, a fair portion of the population who aren't ranchers (we're not), farmers (we're not), teachers (nope), nurses (sorry), or willing to make a long ass (at least 1 hour each way) commute everyday is on food stamps and Medicaid.
I don't want my kids growing up like that. I want the opportunities that being here presents. I want my husband at home at a reasonable hour every night, I want him to leave in the a.m. and be able to tell everyone bye, I want my kids to be able to see their dad, I want us to have family time that isn't spent waiting on my husband to come home and have a late dinner.
I want my to have a stable, normal, attentive, involved, positive upbringing that doesn't have one of their parents gone 90% of the time.
So you know what I will do?
I will exercise the other option, and work closely with homeschool groups in my area and homeschool the two who will need a different learning environment, in order to ensure their education.
I'm not willing to leave Texas. I'm not willing to displace my children and family. Simply not going to happen.