Originally Posted by persephonewillo
in an effort to keep this objective... you've been a TA for two terms, how many homeschooled kids have you worked with?
personally, i have a feeling you see them as all those negetive things because they might not be happy to just follow like sheep (correct me if i'm wrong). i don't see anything wrong with children having say in their education and lives. they are people too. why do we assume children would feel content to constantly be told what to do, when to do it, what to learn and when, etc, when the majority of adults would go insane being treated that way?
sorry... i think the statement you made that you'd rather have less intelligent children to deal with who didn't have attitudes rubbed me the wrong way. i thought the goal of schools was to create intelligent human beings... not sheep.
Actually none of the students I TA are homeschooled, best of my knowledge. They may be, they not be. I generally talk to them about whatever they're majoring in, if they have jobs, etc. These are kids I knew through activities, through other means in high school, gone to college with them, family friends. I've known them for years; this isn't the result of me seeing students for about 7 months or so. I don't care for them as people, and I haven't seen any growth in their character. It's not a huge sampling, but I also don't actively seek to befriend or know people because of their education. I feel like their intellect is deeply stunted because of their inability to understand an opposing argument, such as why some people vote Republican and to see that they aren't evil, just Republicans. I actually do have a particular person in mind in this argument regarding Republicans. I have one person in particular in mind with this example about Republicans; she is actually quite intelligent (I believe she went full ride to a good school), but I feel like her parents not exposing her to different thoughts and having such a black and white view of an ideology isn't good for her. I feel like she and to a lesser extent, her brother, are the epitome of sheep.
When I talk thinking about education lately, I've been thinking about it in all contexts. Grading vs. grading, open curriculum vs. curriculum with gen requirements...
I don't feel like you should follow the crowd, and I also feel like a lot of things you learn at school are not necessarily education-related but life lessons. I think you can get them other places, but I believe a lot of the time, public school forces you to deal with things you do not want to but are unfortunate parts of life. While school exists primarily to educate people in the main subjects, I think people also get a lot more out of it. I learned how to work with unmotivated people at a young age, I learned to hold my head high up against teasing, I learned how to assert myself. I'm not pretending these lessons are unique to public or private school, but I know my parents would have tried to shield me from that or not place me in situations where people would be that way. Education-wise, science labs are difficult to run unless the parents are particularly organized or utilize the schools.
I don't think homeschooling necessarily creates independent thought (for instance, people who homeschool their children to shield them from considering evolution as a viable explanation), nor do I believe going to a typical high school does, either. I think it largely depends on the individual, the parents, etc.
Regardless, if I were to have children, I'd rather have a retarded child who was loving and kind than a child who was a jerk but genius. Ideally, you'd want to have a nice, smart intelligent child (and no, I do not believe those things are independent of each other), but if you had to make a pick, I'd pick a nice but not bright child.
I really do believe ultimately that it boils down to the individual and the parents. I honestly have not had a good experience with someone who has been home-schooled. I don't have a prejudice against people who are home schooled, I'm just stating a fact, much like I have not seen an episode of Criminal Intent that's interested me. I'm open to it, and I believe it's possible, but it simply has not been my experience as of today. It may change tomorrow, it may never change.