HOTTEST woman i have ever seen - in my whole life.


Well-known member
I think the extensions are the longer hair the short back combed hair is hers!!! And it's such a worn out look already , but it's cute. But sooo many peole have's like the 'rachel' cut for alterna girls -lol


Well-known member
This is completely off topic...but I found this pic. Is this your girl, ohscandalous? I can't...tell. Hmmm?


Well-known member
^haha they just look similar cuz they're posed the same way. they have diff facial features tho. the nose is quite telling.


Well-known member
I honestly don't think that there are extentions in her hair. It's a popular hairstyle with a lot of people I know from Hong Kong. They cut the top of their hair pretty short and leave the bottom section long and then they perm it.
So to get hair like that, I would cut my hair into pretty much two lengths then perm it if you want it permanently styled like that.
And another reason I dont think she has extentions is that in the picture it doesnt look like she has a lot of hair (extentions not only give length but usually volume as well) and I'm pretty sure that everything you see in the picture is all the hair that she has - this might sound confusing but what I meant is that all her hair is flipped to the front so that there isnt hair hiding on her back right now.
And the girl reminds me of a cute anime character!


Well-known member
please stay on topic in this thread. insulting the op's preference without providing help is completely unnecesary. thanks to those of you who were defending her


Well-known member
i have that cut i dont style it like her and its a pain when it just gets washed its really hard to blend the shorter and longer hairs so if you do get it i would plan on styling it like that everyday or something


Well-known member
the cut looks pretty simple but its the styling that makes it look like that. a lot of spray, combing, time lol etc...


Active member
This is indeed a very popular style in Japan, HongKong, Taiwan...(i'm asian btw) I can tell you that there are no hair extensions involved. The reason her front hair looks "full" is cos the stylist "flip" the hair from the back and cut it to become a fringe.You have to curl few sections of your whole head the the rest are being straightened. (usually these curls and straightening are permanent) there's not much backcombing but hair styling product. rub wax on ur palms...and "crunch" up your hair. put a really cute clip at the side of head (it doesnt serve any purpose, just the "cuteness"factor) and ure good to go.


Well-known member
One of my dormmates (the one who keeps using my fridge) has that cut. But her hair is like orangey-blonde, she's Taiwanese and dyes it super light. Looks friggen adorable.

The girl in the pic is pretty sweet (as in adorable) looking.

I don't have much advice to give, but use better extensions then her >.< they're too warm for the rest of her hair.


Well-known member
I've seen that picture before and I think it look sooo cute my hair is pretty short but i might get some removable extensions soon so I can do it =]