Hourglass Cosmetics


Well-known member
Quick pics:
Holy Moly they look good on brown skin :yahoo: Thank you for the pics! My heart says yes but my brain/pocketbook says nooo!


Well-known member
:yahoo: I received my palette today!! Wil post pics tomm!! It isn't that big (lol I was thinking along the lines of ambient palette or the brush palette hehe)


Well-known member
Wow that eyeshadow palette looks amazing! Love the middle shade! A friend helped me with a CP for the blush palette! Can't wait to receive it :D Its my first Hourglass purchase so I am excited!


Specktra Bestie
Here's more swatches of the Modernist Infinity palette:


I love the shades, but I'm also starting to think that the shades look like they could be duped by ones in UD Naked 3. Anyone else find that? I love everything Hourglass, but I'm not sure I want to spend the money on a palette if I can already approximate the shades from what I have. (Not that that always stops me, but I feel like I should at least try to be responsible.)

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