Household Tips


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So Ladies , Saturday we had a dinner party to go to but not until after we took our two year old to ride on Thomas the Train. So I was pretty dressy for the occasion and Had my favorite new bright pink sweater on. We were walking to the train and I had my son on my side, which suddenly felt wet
Obviously I thought his diaper had leaked , until I looked down and saw it was his Grape juice that had leaked ... Any One that has ever had to clean one of those stains from a beloved item knows how I felt at that moment. The Beauty of this situation is that my sweater which had a 6 in bright purple stain on it for 2 days is now good as new . I thought I would share my new found cleaning method and start a place for you wise women to share yours

For Grape juice or wine stains

1. Soak in peroxide for 15 mins. and or
2. Boil water and put the garment in the tub or bottom of large sink. Hold the boiling water about 3 ft above the garment and poor it on =). Let sun dry and repeat as needed



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For Blood stains Put garment in cold water for small amounts of water add 1 tbs ammonia and 1 tbs laundry detergent and let soak,( if larger amount of water adjust as needed) once a lot of the blood has been lifted , change water and repeat. This works wonderfully for soiled underwear . I was so excited to find this so I don't have to throw em out anymore =)


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Originally Posted by SkylarV217
For Blood stains Put garment in cold water for small amounts of water add 1 tbs ammonia and 1 tbs laundry detergent and let soak,( if larger amount of water adjust as needed) once a lot of the blood has been lifted , change water and repeat. This works wonderfully for soiled underwear . I was so excited to find this so I don't have to throw em out anymore =)

Good one. Peroxide alone with a bit of water will work on smaller blood stains too.


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The bubbles in club soda are good at lifting tough stains too, like tomato based stains...


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When you're cleaning windows or mirrors, to make sure they don't get streaked, wipe them down with a bit of newspaper.

White vinegar is a great natural anti bacterial cleaner that you can use for a bazillion things lol.


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Using a coffee filter to clean windows/mirrors will also leave them streak free.


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When I get new magazines, I always remove the perfume sample pages and put them in my lingerie drawer. Makes everything smell divine.


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Originally Posted by V15U4L_3RR0R

White vinegar is a great natural anti bacterial cleaner that you can use for a bazillion things lol.

If you don't like the smell of vinegar , you can add vinegar to your windex and it helps it along, there is also no fear of an unwanted Chemical reaction. I have tried both newspaper and coffee filters , We have a 2 year old and a glass coffee table .... I find that the coffee filters work best in my situation.


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Vinegar is a great de-icer. Use it when cleaning out a frosted freezer or if you live anywhere where winter is snowy and icy. Use it to soften the ice to scrape off.


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Place a piece of white chalk in your silver chest or jewel box to absorb moisture and help prevent tarnishing of silverware and jewelry.

Before you wear a new garment, put a little clear nail polish on the front and back of each button. Buttons will stay on longer when their threads are sealed.

WD 40 takes out grease stains, Spray on the stain and let sit for a min the throw in the wash.


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My grandmother taught me to put a microwave safe bowl in the microwave and put white vinegar and water in the bowl. Microwave for 2-3 minutes and the bowl of water will steam the microwave gunk off and make it easier to wipe off.

Also, the thing I use the most often- I read about in a book. If you ever walk into a room... let's say that inevitable 'junk area" or "room" and you don't know where to start. Just begin to the left of where you walk in and work clock-wise... that way you just don't stand there wasting time and wonder "where do I start?" or "what do I do next?".

When you are cleaning any room you should carry 2 baskets/boxes and a trash bag. One basket or box for "put away" - things that don't belong in the immediate space. One basket of box for "sell/give away". The trash bag for trash. At the end of your cleaning time or when one is full take the time and address the boxes as needed.

The other thing that I feel is common sense but I think it helps to be encouraged... you don't need to take out 1-2 hours a day to really clean an area... just take it in chunks... clean 15-20 minutes anytime you have time. As long as you aren't making more mess you should be able to finish cleaning. I use to put off cleaning for days, even weeks (yikes) because I was like "no, I need at least 3-4 hours to just clean it all at once and right". It's been a lot less stressful and easier to keep up just doing little 15 minute spurts.


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When you're cleaning windows or mirrors, to make sure they don't get streaked, wipe them down with a bit of newspaper.

Pillow slips are great for cleaning windows and mirrors too


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I have tried so many of those streak free window cleaners and all of them left streaks. And, they are expensive! If you have a lot of windows especially, it seems to wasteful, also because you have to use so much household paper. The only way I get streak free windows is by using cleaning spirit dilluted in a bucket of hot water, washing the windows with a washcloth soaked in the solution, and using a squeegee to get most of the water off, then follow up with a dry microfibre cloth.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kaliraksha

The other thing that I feel is common sense but I think it helps to be encouraged... you don't need to take out 1-2 hours a day to really clean an area... just take it in chunks... clean 15-20 minutes anytime you have time. As long as you aren't making more mess you should be able to finish cleaning. I use to put off cleaning for days, even weeks (yikes) because I was like "no, I need at least 3-4 hours to just clean it all at once and right". It's been a lot less stressful and easier to keep up just doing little 15 minute spurts.

I agree. Especially since I work full time, the last thing I want to do when I am at home and don't have to work, is waste time cleaning. So I try to do the little things under the week, like taking out the garbage/compost/newspapers, spot-clean vaccuuming in areas that get used the most, wipe down kitchen counters and surfaces after cooking, try to pick up my shit as best as I can and not leave it all lying around. Then I do a big, thorough cleaning on the weekend but it goes a lot faster, 1-2 hours tops.

Another tip: After squeezing out a lemon, put the left over empty rind in the dishwasher utensil basket thingee, and run it with your normal dishwashing cycle (still using dish detergent). It makes your dishwasher smell fresh!


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Over summer I was a housekeeper and found pillow cases were the best cleaning clothes and sheets/towels were great for cleaning baths.


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Purchase and USE a shredder to destroy all personal and financial documents. Shred junk mail as well. I shred everything. From credit card apps to pre-addressed order inserts in catalogs, I shred it all. Remember to recycle your shred. Make sure your shredder is a cross-cut or "confetti" shredder (this ensures that no one will be able to reassemble a document to obtain info). This is a good, simple model from Staples. It is normally $60, but has a $40 rebate right now, so it is only $20. This thing is super small and powerful. I can throw unopened junk mail in there and it eats it right up.


This stuff gets anything out of carpet. DH and I are pros at spilling little drops of coffee on the carpet as we go up and down stairs in the a.m. This stuff gets it out no worries. You can get it at most grocery stores or at


This cleaner smells super good. It doesn't necessarily work really well on my windows or stainless steel appliances (slight streaks), but I use it on granite counters. Makes your kitchen smell delish. From


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Crest-O-Mint mint oil. $2.39 at Albertson's.
Only spending 5 minutes scrubbing soap scum from the shower? Priceless.

That stuff is amazing. Wash dogs with it, clean kitchens and bathrooms with it, the list goes on. And it's cheap!


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We tend to burn anything with names and addresses on.

To stop a cat scratching the furniture, you can either rub a lemon soap or an actual lemon on the arms of chairs or rap an old piece of carpet round them. You can also do this on door frames.

When you want to stop a cat(s) going on your flowerbeds, Get some orange peel and scatter it over the area, You can dig it in a bit as well if you don't want it to show. Alternatively you can go and buy tiger poop from the zoo and use that on your flower beds instead. The cat or cats will think that it's the territory of a super strong cat and they won't go near it.

To get rid of strong smells on your hair, cut open a lemon and rub it all over your hair whilst in the bath or shower and it will take the smell away and leave your hair smelling nice and fresh.

If you spill red wine on something, pour a little white wine on top and it will help lift the stain.