How did you build enough confidence to start working on faces you didn't know?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by naijapretty
While sometimes its that makeup artists don't want competition, other times, it's that the makeup artist you're asking may feel you're doing this as a hobby/ side job. Nothing wrong there, but imagine training someone what it took you years to hone, so he/she can not take it seriously. It can be frustrating seeing someone picking this up as a second source of income, not taking the time to investigate and invest as much as you had and doing something like offering cheaper prices than you. while you can't control the pricing market, if someone in your area comes along and offers what you do at 50% of your price, potential clients will assume you're overpriced. .

HEY! I don't think that's fair, but I 1,000% understand
And maybe people are doing it out of hobby, but m.u is something I LOVE, but so is medicine, and where I live I hardly think doing makeup full time will pay rent, food,etc.
If I could pursue makeup fulltime, I know I would, but hey....
I think it's crazy if someone did do ha though, have someone teach them the ins and outs, offer lower prices, and not give a damn about the profession.
I see it all the time with nursing students in my school, just doing it for the money, it's the same difference really
are u an MUA?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
HEY! I don't think that's fair, but I 1,000% understand
And maybe people are doing it out of hobby, but m.u is something I LOVE,

no, dear, I'm not referring to you personally, but I understand where you're coming from. I'm giving up a degree (plus everyone's expectation of me getting a masters) for this, I'm still so unsure and scared, I don't tell some people. Yet, when I did mention it in public, no one was surprised. I'm also training to be an artistic director. Doing people's faces, before I start, I still do feel some trepidation, but thats what learning and practise helps you with.
Life isn't fair,because the arts never get as paid as any one else.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by naijapretty
no, dear, I'm not referring to you personally
but I understand where you're coming from. I'm giving up a degree (plus everyone's expectation of me getting a masters) for this, I'm still so unsure and scared, I don't tell some people. Yet, when I did mention it in public, no one was surprised. I'm also training to be an artistic director. Doing people's faces, before I start, I still do feel some trepidatoion, but thats what learning and practise helps you with.
Life isn't fair,because the arts never get as paid as any one else.

True, True
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
1. I LOVE ur username

2. I find thatpeople who are complete noobs to the whole makeup thing, are quicker to tell you something looks great, because they themselves don't know what to do. Example, I remember my first day buying this eyeshadow from MAC it had 3 colours in it (the Inter-view MES) I put the dark blue on my lid, brown on the top, witha SPONGE TIP APP (hot mess) and I hd the nerve to put it on Facebook. SO many people comimented me on it, when I didn't know wtf I was doing so it depends on WHO is giving the compliment, ya know?

3. I've found good feedback on Specktra, like , " add some eyeliner" etc. But I want brutal Simon Cowell honesty, that's what I think WE ALL need, it makes us better n stronger.

4. your "friend" needs to get cursed out for acting like she's holding Homeland Security secrets, it's just makeup, WHY wouldn't she help you?
I LOVE to talk about makeup and help people who don't know jack diddliy sqaut, so for her to not help you, is just a bitch move IMHO

5. youtube helps, but you need to find the right people.
Julieg713 explains as she's doing it
Enkore is the s**t for makeup 101 from brushes to depotting
Xsparkage is great if u like crazy colours
Theaccidental Beauty aka MissResha has good eyeshadow looks
and of course MakeupGeek
I'd say Specktra is better, because

Thanks about the user name....figured someone would have taken it by now.

When I first started using MAC, I didn't realize the importance of a brush and used applicators as well. My friend jumped on me about this brush does this and this one does that. I never had a clue that it made the difference and wanted to hide my head in a hole. Until her, nobody had told me hey! you're wasting product and putting it on wrong...hope you enjoy looking like a fool. I didn't touch my stuff for a month because I felt like an ass.

Enkore is still probably my fave of all time. There's no arrogance and it's like he enjoys passing things peoples' way but I'm not hear to plug him before people think the worst. xsparkage was there for me but I unsubscribed because I stopped following her as much. I used to do her method for applying red lipstick but fell in love with the Fatima video on the MAC site. She's a genius.

I get why she doesn't help me. It's her income and though I expressed an interest in doing this on the side, I could one day stab her in the back and take business from her sense we know the same people. She noticed the difference with the red lipstick and was like you did something different and I kept it to myself. Felt kind of good but she can go to the MAC site the same way I did because what has she done for me lately?

I remember a while ago I almost bought a MAC Bible deal from notblonde08 on youtube and now my friend told me it was a scam. She said it's all ingredient listings and product stuff but I could have been her on the search for the holy MAC grail. We all at least have the same interest to be on this site just I guess some have to protect their knowledge more than others. I'm excited anytime I learn something out that I didn't before but it irks me that she'd think I'd lowball her when I'm no professional. This would be something I'd work around something stable and full time because I'm no Fatima nor do I think I could be.

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