How did you come up with your Specktra user name?


Well-known member
I've gotten a few questions here and there about my user name (which is also part of my email address as well) of euphrosyne_rose. Well, to be honest, I'm a Greek mythology nerd and have been since I was in the 3rd grade and saw Clash of the Titans for the first time. It really piqued my interest in the subject so I started reading books and looking up things in encyclopedias and became pretty proficient in the myths and the names. And yes, I couldn't be more excited about the remake that is coming out next month. It comes out the weekend of my birthday and having Sam Worthington in it makes it for me!

I joined Specktra right when I was having issues with my last b/f which I've posted about and at the time, I wanted something happy and uplifting for myself. Euphrosyne was one of the Three Graces who were daughters of Zeus and who presided over the joys of life. Euphrosyne means laughter and laughter is important to me. The rose part was just to add into the the "grace" part since roses are such "graceful" flowers. I also really like the name Euphrosyne...the sound and the spelling. It's pronounced "you-fros-nee" just as an FYI.

So ladies and gents...tell us how you came up with YOUR Specktra screen name and what it represents to you!


Well-known member
How I came up with MsWestchesterNY

I'm not even orginally FROM Westchester County,NY, I'm an NYC gal, but at the time I joined Specktra that's where I was living. I was going to put 'County' instead of 'NY' but it didn't fit.

The 'Ms' part is what everyone calls me, so I added that to the bunch. My friends all call me "Ms. Kelly" so I just ran with it.


Well-known member
What a cool thread idea!

My username comes from my very first email account - the prefix was MzzRach (my name is Rachel, shockingly
). Not very exciting or interesting, I'm afraid!

Erin - I am also stoked for the new Clash of the Titans film.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
What a cool thread idea!

My username comes from my very first email account - the prefix was MzzRach (my name is Rachel, shockingly
). Not very exciting or interesting, I'm afraid!

Erin - I am also stoked for the new Clash of the Titans film.

LOL, as much as I loved the first one, Harry Hamlin wasn't nearly as drool worthy as Sam Worthington in my opinion. I'm quite anxious to see how they do this movie. I'd love to see someone do a Hercules movie that didn't suck or the Odyssey for that matter, and not one that was made for tv.


Well-known member
I figured MAC_Junkie or MAKEUP_Junkie was

It was either that or ADDICT - but I thought that made me sound like a crackhead or something


Well-known member
I love cats and I wanted to tie in something with beauty. prettykitty was already taken, so I used a play on words and came up with purrtykitty.


Well-known member
mabelle was the name of a bit character i played in my first muscial (once upon a mattress). My boyfriend used to call me Mabelle because of it....


Well-known member
I'm a coffee junkie as much as I'm a makeup junkie. I figured joining a makeup obsessed website was proof enough of that addiction

So...mochajavalatte it is!


Well-known member
It's a name I've been using for a lot of sites lately because I get told that I have a lot of obscure/strange thoughts.


Well-known member
My cats name is Coach and I always call him Coach Kitten so I just decided that would be my screen name for just about everything.

Great idea for a thread!


Well-known member
I've been panda since my kid brothers and sisters started calling me that as young children. I'm 34 now and I swear no-one in my family even remembers my real name, they all still call me panda...LOL!!


Well-known member
this is such a nice thread! i can see this having like 100 thread pages lol. well my fiance and i would make a joke about his very eccentric mom who would get emotional and say we were the apples of each other's eyes. so everytime i'd come home he'd yell HELLOOOOOOO MY LITTLE APPLE. so there we have it, hello my apple lol.


Active member
Back in the 90's when everyone was starting to get into internet and such, there was a messaging service called ICQ and all my friends were getting into it. So I needed a "cool nickname", when I was brainstorming I saw one of my TLC (remember that r&b trio?) CDs and one of their singer's stage name is "Chilli", but it needed something more and I like animals so I thought "cat" (Chillidog for a girl just wouldn't be appropriate). Then the number 14 was my favorite number back then, I even used it as my number when I played sports.

So there you go! I wish I had a more exciting story... lol.