Originally Posted by Cinci
My first cat was named Cinnamon.. Cinci for short. He was awesome.
My first cat is called Sinamyn - I got her when I was leaving home and I'd grown up having to spell my name out to everyone (it's Lani) and I thought she could have a hard to spell name too
Didn't really think that one through, Sinny was never the one who had to spell her name out to vet nurses!!
My name cames from my boyfriend's nickname. His name is Michael and he got the nickname Pickle in primary (elementary) school from his friends who would yell "Mickle Pickle!" He hated it, so one of his friend's Dads told him to pretend he liked it and it would lose the fun for the other kids. Unfortunately, that didn't work and the name stuck!
Also unfortunately, whenever I refer to the BF as Pickle people look at me funny and think he is called that for reasons close to the family jewels lol!!
Anyway we sometimes joke to ourselves that we are Mr & Mrs Pickle, and with him at 6ft and me at 5"4 I'm the Little Pickle!