How did you come up with your Specktra user name?


Well-known member
My nickname for my cat was panther and I was 27 when I joined Specktra


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Originally Posted by Cinci
My first cat was named Cinnamon.. Cinci for short. He was awesome.

My first cat is called Sinamyn - I got her when I was leaving home and I'd grown up having to spell my name out to everyone (it's Lani) and I thought she could have a hard to spell name too
Didn't really think that one through, Sinny was never the one who had to spell her name out to vet nurses!!

My name cames from my boyfriend's nickname. His name is Michael and he got the nickname Pickle in primary (elementary) school from his friends who would yell "Mickle Pickle!" He hated it, so one of his friend's Dads told him to pretend he liked it and it would lose the fun for the other kids. Unfortunately, that didn't work and the name stuck!
Also unfortunately, whenever I refer to the BF as Pickle people look at me funny and think he is called that for reasons close to the family jewels lol!!
Anyway we sometimes joke to ourselves that we are Mr & Mrs Pickle, and with him at 6ft and me at 5"4 I'm the Little Pickle!


Well-known member
great thread! very interesting
my user name is not however! it's my initials and 84 is the year i was born


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
great thread! very interesting
my user name is not however! it's my initials and 84 is the year i was born

You'd just need to change two characters and that could be my ID too


Well-known member
i have no clue but i really want to change it now.
in no way to i even consider myself a goddess. i was probably smokin' some kush when i came up with that.
oy vey


Well-known member
I joined a wedding forum two years ago when we got engaged and was trying to think of a name. The centre stone in my engagement ring is a marquise cut so I used that! I quite like it so have stuck with it since and use it on a few forums.


Well-known member
I've used this username since aol first came out with aim when i was in middle school. I was having a hard time creating a screen name (brain lacks creativity) Back in middle school my boyfriend broke up with me for my best friend. I was pissed at him so i just came up with manbeater, it suck with me till this day


Well-known member
I had Madonna circa "True Blue" as my avatar for a long time as some of you may have noticed, so that's where the blue came from. And I guess I just wanted to make it my own and was feeling "inspired" to get more into makeup


Well-known member
This thread is so cool! Ok, my user name is named after my Aunt Isabelle and her cat BoomBoom. So I decided to go with bellaboomboom. Both have passed away and are missed so very much.


Well-known member
I loved reading everyones stories!

Mine is January... because it's the month I was born. Pretty boring, but I like how January sounds.


Well-known member
What a great thread idea!

I love purple since I was little, so thats about the first part, the 'pumpkin' part is that my ex boyfriend and I was listening to bunch of silly songs on youtube, and found one about pumpkin pie and honey bun, so i was pumpkin, and he was honey.
Since then (about 6yrs ago) I use purple_pumpkin as a nick. I love it, and everyone knows me by that nickname


Well-known member
I had just watched Superbad and was trying to think of a name when I was registering for the site.. soooo, MACLovin instead of McLovin


Well-known member
I've used this nickname online for like 7-8 years now. I picked it because people say that I look like a doll. Poupée means "doll" in French, and I simply changed it to Poupette.


Mine isn't very original. But I was named after my Dad's best friend's wife, which is a little odd.


Well-known member
I had a French Connection t-shirt a few years ago that i loved and it said HOTasFCUK

I even wanted to get it made into a license plae but its too many letters for Ontario. I'd love to get FCKNHOT though! Nobody copy!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by littlepickle
My first cat is called Sinamyn - I got her when I was leaving home and I'd grown up having to spell my name out to everyone (it's Lani) and I thought she could have a hard to spell name too
Didn't really think that one through, Sinny was never the one who had to spell her name out to vet nurses!!

What a cool way to spell it!!!


Well-known member
Mine was just one of the first things I thought of when I joined. It's not very spectacular. I do find the member Effboysinthebut to be hilarious, so I hope she comes to this thread and shares her story!