How do I give up soft drinks?


Well-known member
Yeah, soda is frightening- ALL soda, too. I thought I was the hot stuff for drinking sprite instead of cola but it's even worse because of the citric acid. Not to mention it KILLS your bones.

Instead of soda, why not try juice? Fuze Slenderize drinks (stay away from Vitamin Water!!) have just 5 calories and no carbs. Like others said, try Crystal Light and adding it to waters, and there's an array of different flavored waters that are yummy!!

Good luck!


Well-known member
Good for you, girl!

Keep it up!!!


Well-known member
I think they're called K water or something like that (made by Kellogg's) where you mix it with your water and it suppresses your hunger for a while. I tried something similar and it worked for me.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
hmm....I just discovered this thread and have some pet peeves, but first: why is it that ppl are annoyed at folks that wear makeup to the gym? I wear MU to the gym and that is because I go straight from work, so I have my normal day makeup on (nothing crazy though) :/

My pet peeves:
1. I hate it that some ppl treat the gym as meat market. I keep my music on so no one talks to me.
2. I also hate that some dudes decide to stare at my chest when I'm on the treadmille. Since that happened a few times, I now do my cardio in women's section.
3. I also don't like to make small talks when I work out. But it seems like I always run into someone I know at the gym (the guys who sat behind me in physics class in HS, our neigbhour from 2 years ago...) and they always wanna chat!!! I rather just say hi/bye. I really don't have to time to be at the gym all day!
4. ppl who don't clean after themselves...sweat marks, enough said!


Well-known member
I gave it up cold turkey quite a while ago, just making a decision to be good to my body. Once I've learned about the health hazards of something, why would I knowingly want to put that in my body again? What worked for me was to really vilify soda and associate as much negative feeling to it as I could. So when I do come across it, it becomes a much easier decision to choose something else.

I'll have a ginger ale every once in a while, but it's always a mistake. Because since I gave it up, even the tiniest bit makes me gassy. I'm not much of a burper, but holy wow, that'll make me belch with the best of 'em!


Well-known member
I've been drinking Crystal Light and Diet Snapple mix pouches with bottles of water like crazy, there's alot of yummy flavors. It keeps me from drinking diet pepsi and gets my water servings in, thankfully I hate real soda and only do diet, but I know it's still not good.


Well-known member
Oh god I wish I could give up soft drinks... but there is a fridge at work about 30 feet from my desk which is always full of soft drink and it's free.... huge temptation



Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
Be careful about sugarfree stuff. Aspartame is not good for you either... I know it's like a field of landmines! It's all bad! Lol, but seriously, just drink water. Everything is fine in moderation, but the best thing to be hydrating yourself with is water.

Agreed! My doctor and I figured out that I'm aspartame sensitive and seriously, that stuff is in everything! Especially gum, it's in almost every type. So when I wanted to quit drinking pop, I had to go cold turkey 'cause diet pop contains aspartame. I was really addicted to caffeine so it was difficult and I did get headaches from withdrawl but without pop everyday, I feel lighter (although I did not lose any weight by not drinking it) and rarely feel bloaty. The first week without soda I did on Christmas holidays and drank tons of water and slept off the headaches as much as possible.

Squeezing lemons/lime/orange/citrus into water is terrible for your tooth enamel, so it's better for ya to just drink water. If I need a bit of flavour, I fill half a glass with juice and the other half with water.


Well-known member
I gave up sodas for Lent. I would usually have 1 or more Dr. Pepper a day, but just quit and drank water and lemonade. I don't even have an urge to drink one now.


Well-known member
i gave up all fizzy drinks about 2 months ago when i started my diet and my skin has never looks better! also i'm not as bloated anymore which is great! i'm guessing in the long run my teeth will also thank me for it


Active member
I find that it is a lot easier to ween your self off by replacing one of your sodas with a caffeine free soda (Sprite, Root Beer) Eventually replacing all of them with that as time goes by and then replacing it with water. It makes it easier than to quit cold turkey and you don't have the caffeine headaches!


Active member
I gave up soda and do not miss it anymore, I guess you should just not think about it and when you do feel like drinking soft drinks just drink juice or maybe something that almost tastes like will help.


Well-known member
I work at a company that supplies free beverages to it's employees. Coolers full of soda, milk and juice; Tea and coffee- And filtered water.

I can't tell you how hard it's been for me to give up my Diet Coke habit when I can get it from any building at any time lol! I gave it up cold turkey about 4 months ago. OH MAN... The headache, sleepiness and mood swings were rediculous! If you NEED caffeine, drink black tea or coffee. I'll have a coffee in the morning, and drink black tea with a tsp of sugar the rest of the day when I need to perk up. And I keep a supply of the crystal light packets and water bottles at my desk.


Active member
I gave up soda when I was 12. I used to drink one or two sodas afterschool everyday. I was a bit of a health freak back then.
Thank god I gave it up so long ago, I don't think I'll have the self dicipline to quit like that.
What I did was once I finished the box of soda, I didn't ask my mom to buy anymore. And instead of drinking soda when I came home, I took a bottle of water, put it right infront of the computer, and forced myself to drink the whole bottle before the end of the night.


I used to be completely addicted to sodas!! I drank tons of it all day and night but I wanted to lose weight so I quit drinking it. I found a zero calorie soda by Pepsi called Tava and it was sooo yummy!! But unfortunately they stopped making it. I was soo sad! But when I tried to drink soda it seriously grossed me out. I could taste all the syrup in it and it was nooot good so now I don't drink it at all anymore!!

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