How do you afford your MAC addiction?


Well-known member
my best friend is my Macys card.. oh and my boyfriends nice fat paycheck from the MTA (commuter railroad in NYC) lol I spend about maybe 150-200 a month on products but ive only been heavy into my MAC since about September when I got my first piece lol my collection is growing fast though


Well-known member
I've learned my lesson: I won't buy makeup on credit - and my credit card is finally, finally paid off now that I've been working FT for almost 2 years
I split inexpensive rent w/my partner and don't have kids, so that helps. But I buy all my makeup myself, save a few gifts from others.

When I was freelancing and poor as ass, I didn't have "hauls" - I would get things very, very occasionally. I went a little wild once I had steady money, admittedly :-/ Now, I'd estimate I spend between $100-200 per month on makeup, with a few months higher and a few lower depending on new collections, etc. I think that's at a level I can manage - and my collection is at a size that there's little I need anymore. (Or so I think!)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kels823
This is a good thread.. Ive always wondered if I was the only poor, unmarried chick on this site..

I live alone, I have an okay job and I get no extra money coming from newhere. So basically I get MAC when I can and find alternatives when I cant. Sometimes I stretch my budget to afford stuff but I try not to becuz Im learning self control (something I have a prob w/). Sooooooooo... yah. Thats my story.

You've got a fellow poor, unmarried friend in me.
I have a good job in the arts, but it doesn't pay well, so I have to (but often don't, hehe) have to be careful how much I indulge in the whole MAC collection frenzy.


Well-known member
I have a good paying job and right now I'm not paying any rent living with my b/f since were trying to save up and move to Arizona. I spend alittle here and there when I can but I try not to over due it cause I have other stuff to pay for like babysitter, cell phone, insurance, c/c bills, food, not to mention diapers, wipes, clothes for my daughter and certain foods that she likes to eat. WIth all that being said, I wait until all my priorities are taken care of, then I buy MAC which is about once or twice a month.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lizsybarite
I've learned my lesson: I won't buy makeup on credit - and my credit card is finally, finally paid off now that I've been working FT for almost 2 years
I split inexpensive rent w/my partner and don't have kids, so that helps. But I buy all my makeup myself, save a few gifts from others.

When I was freelancing and poor as ass, I didn't have "hauls" - I would get things very, very occasionally. I went a little wild once I had steady money, admittedly :-/ Now, I'd estimate I spend between $100-200 per month on makeup, with a few months higher and a few lower depending on new collections, etc. I think that's at a level I can manage - and my collection is at a size that there's little I need anymore. (Or so I think!)

I really should learn how to budget but my cc limits only go up as far as 1500 so Im not going to get myself TOO into debt lol.. I hope


Well-known member
i had a babysitting job this summer for a few months. but, with gas prices and the fact that my boyfriend lives 25 miles from me... it damaged the stash pretty bad. but i manage to pick up things here and there. i give myself credit though because i'm applying for jobs! :] oh the life of a 17-year-old.


Active member
My daddy, i have a credit card and ATM card ^-^
But im graduating so hopefully Im gonna start working in a year (after Ramadan). I better get a high-paying job after all this studying!

But I donate money to charity every time i see an opportunity. So that I dont feel guilty for being a shopaholic. =p


Well-known member
I was a Telemarketer at my company and I was their number one sales person. Then I got promoted as a Team Lead and for every lead my teams did I got an extra dollar so I was makin extra 50+ dollars a day from my team after that I got promoted to be a mortgage broker and thats when the real cash was comin in. I was blowin over $500 to $1000 a week on my MAC addiction then my company went bankrupt and they owe me a buttload of cash. I miss that company so much.


Well-known member
I work my butt off at a reasonably well-paying job, try to save as much as I can while feeding a voracious husband (whose job pays him crap although he has seniority- his boss's rationalization is that "Nate doesn't have kids, so we should pay the other guys more"- when Nate has worked there two years longer, has better sales, and doesn't look at porn online at work), six cats, and paying bills. I spend around $60-$80 a month on high-end makeup- MAC or Becca, normally. I'm trying really hard to keep my stash small and only buy what I'll actually use. Danse is the first collection in a while that has really made me fall in love.


Well-known member
I'm 15 turning 16 soon and I've had the same job since I was about 13 and a half. At one point I had 2 jobs but it wasn't working for me. I probably spend $100 every one and a while and a whole bunch of little things away. My parents don't pay for my makeup or anything except food and necessities and I pay for the rest. I wouldn't feel right if my parents fed my MAC addiction, I feel better knowing that I've worked really hard for it. I only got into the LE stuff a couple months ago and I can't keep up and I've missed out on the MSFs and a lot of good stuff so the Danse collection I'm going to go crazy..


Well-known member
i work at a radio station in nyc and im a freelance web/graphic designer on the side..have steady side money from 200-400 a mmth extra besides my check..usually blow 150 on MAC with bf works for shes helps my addiction ahahaha..she surprises me with stuff here and there lol


Well-known member
my husband is a game designer, and makes pretty good money doing that as well as a poker player.. makes more doing that, and half of the money he makes in a month on poker is what I can spend at the mall or on my self in anyway and he gets the other half to do whatever he wants, the rest goes to bills the house, and savings. I'm a full time student as well as a part timeish designer my self, that all goes into savings/checking for bills and whatnot.

we dont have any kids at the moment, so we can spend what we want basicly whenever its wanted and the money is there, and we both do tend to spoil eachother and ourselfs.


Well-known member
I work in retail and get a decent wage. It could be better actually :/ I have a housemate and we pay $200 p/m in rent which is really great and we split all the bills and food expences 50/50. I have enough money to get by week to week and so I indulge in jewellery mostly (I buy from the shop I work in and get 50% off clothing/jewelery), and then beauty/bath products i.e MAC, LUSH... I don't have any pets or kids and am single so yeah... all of my money is for me to do what I want with which suits me just fine
Life is short, spend up!


Well-known member
My daddy
I have no bills, I don't pay my rent, credit cards, tuition, cell phone, I'm lucky! I'm trying to get the ProStudent card (20% off everything) because I go to a design/fashion school so then I can save a little bit with the discount, but knowing me I'll probably spend more!


Well-known member
I use my Macy's card...and the balance is climbing higher,90% is from the MAC counter there. Ever since the Lure collection,I have been really bad and buying all sorts of MAC.I really got sucked into the limited edition,special collection hype. I also got involved in this website and MUA, which have sort of aided in my addiction process.
I am going to be limiting my MAC spending because I have tooooo much right now. Way too much MAC for one girl..haha

Kiwi Girlie

Well-known member
I work full-time as a waitress at the moment, Am getting a new job soon

But most of my paychecks go towards MAC, other ones go on clothes and shoes
I don't pay rent or any other expenses at the moment so I guess im lucky in that regard.


Well-known member
usually I will not spend too much money the week before a limited edition comes out, and I always have my money spending planned 4 weeks before I get paid.


Active member
I'm a contract worker in the IT industry, so I'm very well paid

Spending a little cash on some MAC makes up for the long hours, hard work, and lack of sick leave or vacation time!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by XoXo
Ive spent $4000 on MAC this year, my Mom pays for everything..(im 14)..

wow! here goes the "when I was 14..." stories...

I wish my mom would pay for everything. She'll let me by the basic drugstore makeup so I don't look like the living dead. However, I live on my own and get funds from generous family members, scholarships, and the promise of a bright and well paying future. Having recently been introduced to MAC, I just dropped $120 this month on pigments, sets, and concealer... and its Xmas, which means that other gifts have to be bought as well.

Next month I will walk around with my credit card bill posted to my forehead so I won't be tempted to buy any more stuff

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