How do you deal with Type A personalities?


Well-known member
You know the kind- the kind that micromanage everything, know everything, get mad at you if you ask a question etc.

I have one at work. She drives me nuts. I'm pretty knew to it, but I know what I'm doing (pharmacy- I've been in it since I was 16 but I don't usually work in a Long Term Care facility- and it's been 3 years since I've been there).

This girl is driving me BONKERS.

So finally she was making one of her little snide remarks and I lost it. I just turned around and told her (and let me mention she's also younger than I am and at the age where she thinks she knows everything....) " Look, I understand you are trying to help, but it's very hard for me to concentrate and do my job with you constantly micromanaging me. Why don't you lay off and let me get my job done and you do your job- which does not include tell me how to do mine unless I ask for your assistance."

That shut her up (FINALLY) but jesus christ. How do you deal with Type A people? That are so anal and you can't do anything without them being a caustic jerk? I mean i seriously wanted to punch her! (not really but you know what I mean)



Well-known member
"Uuum, please dont talk to me anymore, you got really stinky breath."

Worked every single time I tried it.

a very close friend of mine once slapped another friend for arranging saucages on a tablet - the wrong way. Didnt you know the international law that you cant put wieners next to polish sausages?!!!!!
Now in that case, the "Uuugh, you stink" comment wouldnt work. So I told her that she was acting like a royal bitch and maybe thats the reason she has almost no friends and her boyfriend tried to dump her 3 times. In the past month. Then she started explaining the metaphysics of saucesges to me - thats were I knew that sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you cannot exorcise all the demons of stupidity, cretinism and ignorance.

If I had to work with someone like that - I guess I'd talk to them, though I couldnt keep my cool since Type A personalities are a huuuge pet peeve of mine.


Well-known member
Type A micromanaging personalities find I totally ignore them. I cannot be micromanaged at all. Eventually if they go way too far I'll put them down with an absolutely blunt comment that usually leaves them (and anyone else within earshot) in no doubt about their lack of managerial abilities. Yes, I'm a bitch


Well-known member
I have one at work, (she's in here 50s)(Im 25 her worker is 22)that calls me a goody goody cuz i work my ass off all day, when in fact everyone i work with tells me all the time, i should stop smiling so much, and how come im always so happy(both compliments). She has a worker, 3 yrs younger than me, when her worker doesnt do a thing and is her little princess cuz she kisses her ass all day. She doesn't say good mornign to me, but to everyone else. She doesn't say a word to me , all day but to make me fil eHER stuff, which should be HER workers responsibility. I tried to be nice, but now, I pretend she's not even there. I know it's not a sense of me being better than her worker. But I rather be a goody goody and work my ass off, and get somewhere in life, than be IMing and on MySpace all day long, getting paid an 8hr shift, and taking MY overtime, which is what her worker does.


Well-known member
It took balls for you to do that. I've said thing before, to her, like get up and get it yourself, and i dont think i should file YOUR stuff. Didn't work.