How do you feel about colored contacts?


Well-known member
Hey everyone,

I was just wondering how you felt about colored contacts. I am Asian, and yesterday I told my roommate I was considering getting colored contacts in grey. She gave me a weird look and said "Why? Brown eyes fit you. If you had any other eye color it would look dumb, like you're trying to be white or something." OK, so obviously nothing else except brown would look "natural" on us Asians, but getting colored contacts doesn't freaking mean I'm trying to change my ethnicity. *rolls eyes* It's like saying me dying my hair a lighter shade of brown automatically means I want to look white. So yeah, I thought what she said was pretty stupid. Just because most people of color have brown eyes doesn't mean we can't spice it up and be fun!

I was thinking of Freshlook colored contacts in either grey, honey, or a hazel color. I don't think I'm daring enough to wear something like blue or green. If you guys wear/are interested in colored contacts than feel free to post! Oh and pictures are always appreciated!

Here is a small picture of my eye:



Well-known member
I'm not much for contacts unless they're particularly out there and theatrical. I'm content with my natural eye color.

My biggest issue with some people of color who do wear contacts isn't the color, but the brand. They end up getting really cheap looking contacts that just look terribly artificial. If you're going to invest in something that changes your appearance so drastically (IMO) then go for a good brand, don't go to City Sports.

I used to have a friend, she had a beautiful deep brown skin tone, and she wore bright blue contacts, but I couldn't look her in the eyes.

Not because she changed her eyes from dark brown to light blue, but because she wore contacts that said SAMPLE PAIR NOT FOR RESALE on the outer rim of the contact.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by j_absinthe
Not because she changed her eyes from dark brown to light blue, but because she wore contacts that said SAMPLE PAIR NOT FOR RESALE on the outer rim of the contact.

Oh. My. Goodness. O_O are you serious. That is really embarassing.

I think my eye color is alright, it's definately more leaning on the deep side of brown and usually look black in pictures. I'd just like something to enhance my eyes, or bring them out more. And yeah, if I get contacts I tend to get a higher-end brand of them, not a lower-end one :p or else they just look WAY too cheap. I know what you mean by girls wearing cheap-looking ruins their whole look.


Well-known member
Hmm, I think it is def fun wearing colored contacts once in awhile. But when you wear them everyday, all day, religiously and convince your self that your natural eyecolor is blue not brown, etc then that's a problem. I have a gf who has been wearing green once everyday for the past 9 years, and basically tells people that she has naturally green eyes. I mean they look nice on her and, but why go to that extent, like she isn't happy with what she has.


Well-known member
I wear colored contacts and personally I think wearing colored contacts, dying your hair, wearing makeup are all the same. Its hypocritical for someone to say you are trying to be a different ethnicity than you are because you want to try something different and then they go ahead and do something different to themselves. Its all for fun and its not like you really believe you are changing who you are just by changing something in your look. If you do decide to wear colored contacts from Freshlook, try pure hazel. Its a really pretty color and doesn't look fake on brown eyes.


Well-known member
I LOVE my grey contacts. I also have tried a green, violet and another that I don't recall. Most recently (last week), I bought turquoise. I LOVE them, too; completely different look for than the grey.

I am just as likely to be wearing "clear" as colored contacts; it all depends on my mood, but, man, can I make the colors pop with those turquiose more than any other color I've tried.

Not sure if it matters for your survey, but I am caucasian/white with dark hair (unless of course, it's a time when I happen to be wearing it light.)

They are definitely an accessory to me; much like deciding which shadow color and earrings I am going to wear. Clear=everyday/normal; grey="serious"; turquoise="fun" (those are the three in rotation for me right now.) The turquoise blends a LOT better than I thought it would.

EDIT: Forget to mention, my eyes are the "most beautiful shade of shit brown" (according to a friend), and I use FreshLook Colorblends. I am not sure if that is a line that J_absinthe considers "cheap" or not, but I only pay $32 per box (which is what most of the colored lines run at approximately) which I think is inexpensive. My clear contacts run me about $22 per box. Lucky for me, I get the same 'scrip in both eyes, so I buy a box at a time.


Well-known member
I think that they are fun and great to use if you want to change your look. They are just like any other accessory in my opinion. I wear glasses every single day from the moment I get up in the morning until I go to sleep at night... It can get a little boring! So I went and got coloured contacts so that I can have a change when I want. I've got brown eyes, and I purchased violet coloured and hazel contacts

Go ahead and give the a go if you are curious! Be daring.


Well-known member
I work in a a hospital that is predominantly staffed by Asians or Hapas (half and halfs,"hafu" like myself). An awful lot of us wear contact lenses-and the most popular contact lens colors are hazel or gray. They are easy to find in the lens water,and they are fun. They add a little spark to our otherwise drab wardrobe of uniforms and name tags. lots of us lighten our hair and many of us use popular "white essence" skin products,but we don't try to pass as white,we don't need a consciousness raising session,we are secure with who we are.When a white person makes their hair darker or gets a tan no one accuses them of wanting to be a person of color,lol. People don't tend to wear tinted contacts because of self hate.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ndn-ista
Hmm, I think it is def fun wearing colored contacts once in awhile. But when you wear them everyday, all day, religiously and convince your self that your natural eyecolor is blue not brown, etc then that's a problem.

I totally agree.


Well-known member
I am fair skinned (Hyper Real NW 100), natural blueish-grey eyes. I actually want to get brown coloured contact lenses (I feel it'd be more versatile when i want to wear blue or green e/s) but my brother suggested amethyst coloured ones--really contemplating that now. I say go for it! Have fun!


Well-known member
Thanks to Dad I have been cursed with the four-eyes gene! (Thanks Dad!)

I usually wear glasses because Im too lazy to put in contacts everyday...

I wear contacts when I go out, to the movies, shopping etc etc

I have been wearing them since I was about 18 I think. (Im 23 now).

I have tried: Jewel Blue, Violet (Crazy! fake on me but I didn't care) Grey, Amethyst and Aqua. The only ones that looked remotley real were the aqua and the grey. Amethyst was almost like my real brown eyes so it wasn't too bad.

I think they are great for something different! I always got people saying:
"Your eyes are beautiful, gorgeous, amazing etc etc".
My reaction:
"THANKS! They're fake!" hahahahaha
It was a great conversation starter too. Especially when the guy tried to be funny and said:
"Oh, so how is it having a fake eye".

The only thing I don't like about it is when girls wear full makeup, bleach blonde hair, orange skin and obviously-fake-bright-blue contact lenses. Is anything about her real? But thats just my opinion. Im sure a million guys would say Im wrong.

I wear normal contacts now because I found that I always got sore eyes, headaches and this won't make sense probably but a 'thick' feeling on my eyes almost as if my eyeball was drying up! EWWWW so gross I know.

CONCLUSION: They're fun! Just don't lie that they're real. You can tell!

EDIT: I REALLY DISLIKE the ones that are: Smiley faces!!!!, Dollar signs and not a fan of the cat eye ones either! They're a bit creepy.

Smiley Face

Cat Eye

Dollar Signs


Well-known member
i think they are nice, but i don't wear them. i have naturally green eyes, and don't really want any other color. lol but be careful what brand you get. because you have such dark eyes, try to go for a higher end brand and not such a bright color ( i.e. blue) because they can actually look kind of dull and too dark.


Well-known member
I've worn a whole bunch of different coloured contacts... green, hazel, blue, gray... but now I'm just wearing clear ones. Somehow I find the clear ones to be much more comfortable... and I could never get the coloured ones to look "real" on me.

There is some controversy over coloured contacts in the Asian community... ever since that Singaporean blogger girl got extensive plastic surgery to make her facial features more "white" so that she looks Eurasian, things like that have been criticised... but I say if you can pull them off, then go for it! Just don't get those bright red ones or those really outrageous ones...


Well-known member
I think they're a lot of fun and I really like how you can change your makeup colours because of your eye colour.


Well-known member
I agree with you guys, I wouldn't want to get them to change my eye color permenently per se, just for fun (to wear it on days I feel like it.) And I definately wouldn't say that the contacts (whatever color they were) were my real eye color, lol! People would know I was lying anyway

And I have been cursed with the 4-eyed gene too :p ahh.

I def. know it's a controversy in the asian community. I was talking with a few others once about the whole "blonde haired blue eyed" asian girl look, and I honestly say that that to me is just unnatural looking. But I know girls who have gotten circle lenses and really really subtle colored contacts, and it looks just gorgeous on them. That is what I am thinking...something more natural instead of eye-popping obvious.

thanks for all of the input!!


Well-known member
Well I'm an NC50 and I plan on getting either/both hazel and/or green Freshlook Colorblends. I think it would look natural because one side of my family that's my skin color and a little lighter have naturally hazel/green eyes. Of course they'd know, but down here it's common to see light-skinned black people with natural hazel or green eyes. Heck, I've even seen dark-skinned black people with natural hazel eyes (love the guys I've met with them - it's a weakness).


Well-known member
I'm thinking of getting colored contacts myself! And yeah, there's no harm in trying to spice things up a bit by changing our eye color--I think it's fun! But I dunno with hazel contacts though..I'm not sure with Freshlook but some hazel contact I've seen look very unnatural and weird.


Well-known member
Considering that brown eyes are far more common than any other color in any race (b/c the trait is slowly being "breeded" out since it's recessive), your friend is wack. Go for the color change. I went with costumey grey lenses and it was awesome. People didn't really notice except for in photos.


Well-known member
I think that it's totally a personal preference.
It's no one's place to tell you that you're trying to be something that you're not because you want to wear contacts. Me personally, I haven't but as someone else said, I like my eye color and I would be a little freaked out trying to put them in.

You have do you what you want to do!!

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