How do you feel about colored contacts?


Well-known member
I have mixed feelings about color contacts.

When I was allowed to wear contacts when I turned 16, I got the ColorBlends in Brown, which looked light brown on me because I have naturally dark brown eyes. A lot of people thought they were my natural eye color. I wore that color for seven years, but now I prefer clear ones because I look back on pictures and they look fake.

Now, I am completely against GUYS with COLORED CONTACTS!!! Nothing turns me off and makes my crotch de-tingle that a black guy in turquise contacts! It's not attractive and it makes you look like play for the other team.

I need to get my cuz into some clear contacts because she's rocking the Honey contacts and no one has the heart to tell her eyes remind them of Michael Jackson's in his Thriller video.
i LOVED my color contacts. i hated to let them go. but if you feel like you want something new. GO FOR IT. but like someone said earlier, dont get the cheap looking ones.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
I think it depends on the brand of of contacts and the brand of person.

I can't stand seeing nasty looking hood rats wear blue/purple/green and so on. And I agree with the person who said I HATE THEM ON MEN, PERIOD!

Other than that, I think they're awesome. Some people can really rock them. I had some teal ones when I was in high school. I didn't expect it to be a natural color, nor did I want to be something I wasn't, I just thought it would look wild, and it did. I loved it and so did everyone else! I haven't worn any since high school, but I wouldn't be opposed to trying them again. I may even get some honey colored ones for the Twilight premier.


Well-known member
Personally, I believe people will wear whatever they want and I leave it at that. I don't care if men wear contacts -- I don't see why they shouldn't, coloured contacts are not necessarily only for women. I don't care if a black woman wants to wear blue/yellow/green/purple/grey contacts, it's her prerogative. Sure it might not look natural and freaky but some people just don't care about that, and I don't blame them. I say, I'll let you do you and you let me do me -- don't like it, keep it moving because in the end, the only opinion that matters is my own.

What I cannot stand is when people insinuate you wear coloured contacts to try and be someone else. That seems to be main fallback for people of colour to throw against someone who wears coloured contacts. "Oh, they're trying to be white." Seriously, that is so ignorant and just so lame. ATTN: Find a new insult because it's getting old. Not to mention, it holds no validity to the majority of people who wear coloured contacts. For me, they are an accessory and I like the ability to change my look with switching up my eye colour.

To agree with others: PLEASE DO NOT GET CHEAP CONTACTS FROM THE BEAUTY SUPPLY STORE! Those contacts make you look like you coloured in your eyes with highlighter. Not a good look for anyone. If you are going to be putting something into your eye, make sure it is of highest quality and have it checked out by your optometrist.


Well-known member
I'm too lazy to read through this whole thread so I'll probably restate what others have already said:

I see colored contacts the same way I see coloring your hair.
Dark hair is beautiful, but adding golden brown highlights can really brighten the dark hair and give it a little more vibrancy.
That's the same as a brown eyed girl getting subtle hazel contacts.
Now, if someone with dark hair goes ahead and bleaches their hair platinum blond, it's sorta like getting those light gray contacts. And dying your hair bright pink is almost like getting pink contacts.
I feel like contacts can show a lot of personality (sort of like makeup), enhance ones features.

I can see how someone would see a non-white girl with blue contacts and say she's trying to look more white. And that could be the case for some people. But a lot of people just wear them for fun. Like a wig or some false lashes.



Well-known member
I say, why the heck not?!

I have always thought, if I was a white girl, I'd be dying my hair all sorts of different colors, not because I'm unhappy with my hair, but just because I can. I feel it's the same with contacts. It's just another beauty thing. It doesn't necessarily mean the person is unhappy with their eye color or wants to be white.

I have brown eyes and I'm happy with my eye color, but I do have a pair of tinted red contacts. They give my eyes an interesting maroonish glow.


Active member
I say if you want to wear them, more power to you. And like the others say, dont get them from the beauty supply store lol..go to the eye doctor so you cant the type that are right for your eyes.

I wore colored contacts mostly back in high school. First I had Amethyst (what was i thinking walking around with purple eyes???) and then I had Pure Hazel (both Freshlook colorblends). Now, I have an astigmatism which requires me to wear special lenses with a small weight on them so they don't move all over when I blink. I was young and didnt want to pay the extra money for toric colored lenses and I ended up paying the price. Most of the time my vision was fuzzy and they gave me horrible headaches. I also hated the way they looked in pictures, because they would move around sometimes I looked like I had a lazy eye (not the best look).

The reason why I wore colored contacts was because I didnt think my almost black eyes were special enough. Now I've grown up and I love them because they're "mysterious" lol...I think something else that played a factor in leaving behind color contacts was make-up, i feel its a better way for me to enhance my eyes.


Well-known member
Hey guys! I would love to try them out..just nervous as to what colors will look subtle but gorgeus..I'm south asian btw and I'm NC42 so...please help with some suggestions!


Active member
if you want to! do it.. I sometimes wear tinted blue ones but i do have them in a prescription..i wouldnt wear them if i didnt need prescirption though xx


Active member
Originally Posted by Ziya
Hey guys! I would love to try them out..just nervous as to what colors will look subtle but gorgeus..I'm south asian btw and I'm NC42 so...please help with some suggestions!

im nc42 aswell hun and both my pair are blue and grey- check those out and see how they look on xx


Well-known member
I love wearing them when I did wear them, haven't bought any in a while. They can change up your entire look in just a matter of seconds.

Soul Unique

Well-known member
I go through phases were I decide all of a sudden that i'm going to wear contacts. I've worn brown, purple, green and grey and grey is my favourite! Mind you i've had an unopen pair of grey contacts sitting in my bathroom for about a year, just can't be asked to pop them in these days lol.

But I think they're fun and can really add to a makeup look!


I think they can be a fun way to change things up, but on some people it can look a little too artificial for my liking. I've seen the obsession over "colored eyes" (isn't brown a color too?) that people in my community have and while I know alot of people who wear colored contacts for fun, I know some others who wear them constantly because they find their brown eyes unattractive and that's just sad.


Well-known member
definitely go to the eye store and give it a try to see what colors suit you. i am asian and i was thinking about getting some colored contacts as well to try something different.


Well-known member
My husband and I always argue about this issue. I personally have always wanted to try out a pair of colored contacts, just for the change in my look. I have brown eyes now, but have always wanted to try hazel or a golden brown hue. I'm too chicken to venture far out in left field with the blues, greens, etc... He swears that he will die if I put in colored contacts. Maybe I should just surprise him one day? *L* His issues really stem with a few women he dated who wore colored contacts and never, ever took them out. He said he couldn't remember ever seeing either of the girls without the contacts. Plus he said they looked cheap and fake.

Personally, I think you do what you will. Whatever feels most comfortable to you, do it! The change in color may be fun!


Well-known member
I think they're tacky, and people look weird because their pupils seem fixed. Also, the people of color who wear them always seem to have some type of self-hatred issues going on. Gross.


Well-known member
I am a true believer in the phrase "to each his own". I'll tell you, though, I have noticed that a lot of ladies with the colored contacts usually also love to rock other artificial looks. I work with a younger WOC who you can look at and immediately tell she is high maintenance (once she opens her mouth she proves it, LOL!). She wears the really weird, alien-like, grayish colored contacts, has a weave that's out of this world (i.e. it's "OW" -- *obvious* weave), wears braces, and is always talking about having "work done". I often wonder to myself why her own good looks aren't enough for her.