I don't get upset over people's opinions of brands of makeup, but sometimes it does piss me off the way people bitch about cosmetic employees online. I've read some stories where I thought, "Wow, their MA/SA
was kind of rude." I read more where I think that the person complaining might have taken something wrong, took something too personal, had a sense of entitlement, went in the store on the defense thus having a foul attitude (which does not make it fun to help you), oh, I could go on and on. Some stories seem so ridiculous I could not even imagine it happening, but I guess anything is possible, lol. This is more the case on other boards.
Poster number one: "I walked in and the SA smiled at me, but I KNOW she was thinking I was a piece of poo, because I had on sweats."
Poster number two: "Complain!"
Poster number three: "Yes, complain! Call the manager! Write MAC Corp!"
Poster number four: "Yes, you should complain. She should be fired. People like that don't need to be in customer service. Write in to the website and you will get free stuff."
Me: *headdesk*
Sorry, not to offend, but I had to get that out. I don't look down at what people are wearing or if they don't have makeup on. Maybe I am admiring their fabulous lashes or perfect skin. Most likely I am thinking about lunch...lol.
And to keep it on topic, people say a lot of things online they would not say in person, because they can hide behind a keyboard. To the OP, don't let those ladies get to you, next week they'll move on to another brand to hate.