How do you know when you are in love?


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Originally Posted by seonmi
I'm so sorry, Blushbaby. I know that terrible feeling. My bf and I are usually 5-hour flight away from each other (not now though, we're temporarily further away). OMG, I sometimes think I would just hold my baby so tight and not go anywhere, forget the flight and everything. Of course, I've never done that. I can't afford acting outrageous

We usually spend Christmas break which is 5 weeks long together and I start crying from the 3rd week on

Awww I feel for you. Well I'm back in London now and our farewell at the airport was horrible. There was some vicious woman yelling that anyone without a boarding pass couldn't stand with their loved ones in the security check queue.

I was at the back of the damn queue and my boyf wasn't allowed to stand NEXT to me - WTF!

Anyway I just told him to leave and we said our goodbyes (with everybody bloody staring), but he refused to actually LEAVE until I'd gone through security. So I'm stood in the queue crying and he's standing just feet away from me not allowed to comfort me.

Then he made me bawl even more by calling out and handing me the ticket stubs from our visit to TOTR the night before.

I miss him so much - hopefully he'll be flying out here late Oct and then I'm spending Xmas and NY with him in NY again so we've just gotta plod along and get through this.

I really feel fro you and anybody else in a LDR.


Well-known member
Love for me was knowing his flaws and still feeling the way I did about him. It was being able to be myself around him and know he would stick by me. It was knowing without a doubt that whatever came our way we would overcome it.

There are tons of hints and feelings you get that are unique to your situation... but the one thing I've learned from myself and friends is love really can make you crazy. I like to pride myself on being rational, but love is a whole other ball-game to me. You will know... and if you don't but you're happy accept it for what it is.


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For me, love is knowing that he is stubborn, impulsive, insensitive, and still committing to a relationship that forces us to be apart for months at a time. It's getting angry when he does something rude or irritating and still being able to realize that I wouldn't want anyone else. It's knowing that even at our worst we still chose to be together. He can calm me down just by talking to me, and it gives me shivers to hear him call me sweetheart. I can talk to him for hours on end about anything, important or random and meaningless. It's something that you kind of have to figure out for yourself.


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I refuse to apologise even when I'm wrong to anyone but him. And even if it's not my fault I'll still apologise because I just can't stand us being mad at each other.
When I'm away and I miss him so much I cry.


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when people around you start noticing that there's something different about you. when you can't stop thinking about the person. when you cry, because it's so, so good. when you trust the person, like no other. when you fight and push the person away, and they come back, over and over again. becuase you don't fight unless it's worth it. when even after so much random shit, you can help but think, "wow." when it is completely and utterly surreal.


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I don't know how to explain it... it's weird. I don't think being attached to the person means you are in love, or when you keep thinking you can't live without him.

I think it's... more of a best friend basis. I know it's weird to explain it like that, but that's how I feel with mine. My boyfriend is my best friend, I can tell him anything, do anything with him, and we just have this connection that keeps us both on the same page and together. I guess you can say... it's the personality traits, and the way the person does certain things that makes your heart clench in a good way.

At least that's how I see it. Love isn't an obsession, it's a bond. You shouldn't have to miss the person everyday and every second... that would be mind blowing. But feeling a sense of loss when you aren't with them for awhile can be. It's very hard to explain especially in my case, I'm not a very emotional person. Lol.


Well-known member
what are you talking about? when i'm reaaaally deeeeply in love I feel like i'm about to throw up.. LOL. well no, just butterflies in my stomach