How do you sort your eyeshadows?


Well-known member
I go by color in 15 pan palettes. Right now I have:

Highlighters/Pale colors
Browns/Neutral brown

Then for blush I have 6 pan palettes.



Well-known member
Well i just recently depotted the majority of my eyeshadows. I need one more palette so that would make 4 eyeshadow palettes and one blush palette but my blushes are in their own packaging still. But i have them all set up by color theme. Blues with blues and then greens and then yellows and then orange and then reds and then purples and pinks and the btween colors like ilegal cargo or flirty number...and then i dont depot my LE stuff that came in a colorful neo-sci fi or barbie...etc..

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
I sort by color family and by what I do/don't use. I have a separate place that I keep pans that I don't really use.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
I sort them by colour families, blues, greens, purples etc and sometimes i use the mac website.

Me too



Well-known member
Oh dear. Mine's organized ... but it's like my life; organized disorganization?

For now, they're sorted by highlight shades, mid tones and lining/outer v shades... I used to sort by color family but that just stressed me out when I was in a hurry and looking for a particular shade (some of them look so similar in the pan but on... diff story)

To the OP-- this is not a silly question to us MAC addicts, obviously by the # of responses!


Well-known member
I organize according to color family too: Neutrals, Pinks/Purples, Blues/Greens, Black/White/Silvers. I also label the colors on dime sized Avery sticker labels (you can get them at any office supply store) with the name of the color and the finish (Satin, Frost, Veluxe Pearl etc.). I place the labels in the lid of the palettes so I can tell which color is which without having to take them out and look on the bottom. I am also thinking of putting another palette together with just "favorites" in there for convenience.


Active member
I put all in the organizing drawer, the kind that you use to separate document in office. Cool eye, warm eye, and cream e/s. Palettes're in another drawer though.


Well-known member
Mine are random... not a smart idea now that I am on my 4th pallet. Problem is that when I depot, I don't put magnets on the bottom, so the adhesive is still there so now they're all glued into the pallets, and I don't want to pry up too hard and crack the shadows, so I am just living with the randomness. I wish I could do by color groups, but that involved destroying something I think


Well-known member
I do mine by colour family then light - dark within the palette..

red browns
cool browns
cool greens
warm greens
dark pinks


Well-known member

i know if i were to sort them by color, i wouldn't find a spot to place some.


Well-known member
I copy the colour specturm list on the MACpro site, I've kept a database of this on my computer to it'll have all the limited editions ones to as MAC take them off there list quite reqularly.

The only expection to this is that I keep a hightligher palette as I find this easier than going through all my pallettes (i've nearly 20) looking for a highlighter.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Zoffe
I have my eyeshadows in palettes and sort them by color familiy

I only have 3, though xD So rigt now there's a green/blue palette, a pink/purple palette and a neutral/everything-that-didn't-fit-in-the-others palette

funnily enough, this is exactly how i have mine - right down to the 3 palettes!


Well-known member
I'm a colour family girl, dark to light. I have a green/green-teal palette, a blue/blue-teal palette, a greys/taupes palette (carbon lives in there, too), a browns/neutrals/highlights palette (more highlights than browns, ha!), a red/coral/orange palette, a pinks (I have all of 3)/yellows/overflow palette and a purple palette. In the purple palette, I start with the blue purples and go dark to light, and then do the red purples light to dark. A few of the red purples ended up in the overflow, because I have a lot of purples...

I'm considering putting carbon and blanc type (my favourite highlight) in a quad for easy access, since I abuse those.


Well-known member
i have about 15 palettes, have them done 3 differant ways, color grouping like greens blues purples ect, then a few are organized by discription like highlights, nuetrals, glitters, and lastly a few are done by collection like matte2s, starflash, neo sci fi, etc. i did it that way because i first filled up all my color palletes and my collection was still growing so then i started depotting all my LE shadows and would put several collections in one pallete. my blush palettes are color coded too, plums, peaches pinks and then beauty powder blushes.


Well-known member
I got up the courage, and figured out it was easy as pie to get out my glued in pans, so mine are now in 6 color group palettes... blues, greens, neutrals, pinks/purples, silvers/blacks, and reds/yellows/oranges. Loving it already!!


Well-known member
i have mine in colour families
purples and pinks, blues and teals, greens and my one yellow, neutrals and browns, white-> cream with grey to black.
I'm thinking of moving my grey to black to a quad and moving my neutrals in with my white and cream colours.
oh, this decision is gonna keep me up all night!


Well-known member
So, this thread is a bit dead but oh well. Haha, I too organize my colors by the color wheel.

But I was wondering does anyone else NOT label the lid of their palettes? I simply can't bring myself to do it. I move my colors around far too often (they havvvvvvvvvvve to go in a gradient effect, so if I add one in the middle of a palette the labeling would be all off and I would have to redo it) and have too many eyeshadows at this point for me to waste the energy on it.

Sidenote, I do label the bottoms of all my pans somewhat detailed, only when its been depotted because the vast majority of my perm shadows are propans. Color name, collection, and if it is LE, Perm but in perhaps a quad from a collection, or Pro and was too lazy to just go buy the refill from Pro online and it was available at my freestanding.
