How do you store your back-ups?


Well-known member
Alright, so, Rebel is definitely one of my favorite MAC lipsticks; I'm always wearing it. My birthday was yesterday, and between my friends and family I received three Rebel lipsticks!! I don't want to exchange/return them because they'll just get thrown out and I know I'll use them soon enough.

Here's my question: Obviously, make-up has a shelf life, so how would you recommend storing duplicates and backups to prolong that time? How long can you safely keep a lipstick, anyway?

A friend recommended putting it in the fridge, but I feel like that would dry it out as opposed to helping it last a little bit longer.

What do you do? Or am I totally over-analyzing this?


Well-known member
I store mine in a mini fridge in my room, and also in the box.

The main things which cause MAC to go off are temp and light. Hence on my YouTube I keep telling people to keep the stuff in its box, and in a dark cool place
For my chem project I worked out that the lipsticks and everything else I store in my dark cool fridge, can be stored for 4 years =D