How do you test a product out?


I have no clue. When I go to a MAC store, I just look at the products. I want to try some eye shadows on my skin but I don't know what to use. If I used my finger, it wouldn't be sanitary. Do they provide something for you to use?

Sorry such a stupid question. lol


Well-known member
You can ask a m/a for something to test the shadows with, but if they don't provide you with anything I'd use my fingers & do a swatch on the back of my hand only. If you want to try lipsticks you need to have a m/a sanitize it for you. Different stores do different things, sometimes I'm provided with applicators, other times they encourage me to use my hand...weird I know!


Well-known member
Every mac store/counter I've been to sets out little glass beakers full of disposable q-tips (for e/s), doe foot applicators (for l/s), and brushes (for glosses and nail polishes). They also set out tissue and MAC wipes. I test products on the back of my hand only, using the q-tips they set out (or the applicators for the l/s so the little cotton pieces from the q-tips don't stick to the l/s). Then when my hand fills up I wipe it off and start over. I very rarely, if ever, try things on my face, even if they've been sanitized. I can usually tell by testing it on the back of my hand, and if you really hate it that much when you get home, there's always returns and/or swaps.


Well-known member
They usually have hand sanitizer for you to use before you stick your fingers in stuff. I've had MAs use their fingers to swatch on the back of my hand before, so I figure as long as you're hands are clean, it's okay. Sometimes it's easier to tell if you like the product if you use your finger because you can feel the texture of it.