how does macy's "match" you to a counter?!?


New member
Hey everyone!!! This is my first post yay! I've been lurking forever. Anyways after reading many MANY post on cosmetic counter jobs I still have one more question.

I have an interview at Macy's next week for cosmetics and I'm curious if anyone knows how they determine which counter would be the best fit for you. I'm availability is an important role in that decision but what else? I was initially hoping I get Dior(hehe) but now I'm kind of hoping for MAC! Anything but Benefit really, after seeing some of the post about Benefit I don't think that would be a good fit for me! lol Any tips?


Well-known member
i applied to macy cosmetics counter before.. it is a long process and i was so sick of the run around that i gave up (dispite that i would have gotten a job for clinque).
from my impression they go with whoeevr is hiring and than you meet the counter managers and maybe than they decided. than you will have your talent plus. sometimes you meet the counter manager after talent plus, i have had it done both ways (they considered me for three counters, it was such a waste of time, took welll over a month to get any headway). but my story might just be the fault of the particular macys i applied to.


Well-known member
Yeah it depends on what counters have openings that match your avaliability. MAC is usually a liscensed counter so you have to go through MAC to apply for a job with them if I remember correctly (although I guess you could mention them and they could refer you maybe), but yeah it just really comes down to who has openings and then you meet with the counter manager then they approve/disapprove then you move on to the account exec's or coordinator for your talent plus which is just to see how well you would fit for that particular line. I work for Macy's right now in cosmetics (Clinique actually! But I actually despise Macy's but it may just be my store idk). But good luck in getting a job and be prepared to open Macy's cards.


New member
yikes!! sounds like it is quite the process. Well I will see how it goes. I applied at Nordstrom also so hopefully I will get an interview with them. Thanks for the responses! I will update after my interview.


Well-known member
Glad to help! Please do keep us updated!


New member
Okay peoples.. UPDATE!!!!

So I went in for my interview. It was a one on one, thank goodness! I didn't want to do the group thing. The position I had filled out an application for was full time, however when I showed up for my interview they told me it would only be a part time position. (BOOOOO!!!!) I was a little peeved about that because I can't afford to only work part time and kind of felt like they were wasting my time.

Anyways the lady who interviewed me said she really liked me. So I think I could have the job if I wanted it... but it would only be 15 hours a week at $9.50. that is a HUGEEEEEEEEEEEEE drop for me. HUGE. lol

So yeah no thank you. Also the line that was hiring was Benefit. So after reading up on how it is at that counter I've lost major interest in working for that line.

So I dropped off my resume at MAC and left. LOL

Researching these boards and reading up on all the tips definitely helped me with my interview. The interview went very well!!


Whats wrong with benefit? I worked for them at a macys, and at a freestanding boutique currently. People may hate on traffic stopping, but trust me its really not that bad, and benefit is an easy line to work for. Plus if you are at macys, i believe you get POG which is a cool add on to your commission. But macy's really doesnt match you to any counter, they go with whoever needs the staffing, and Im positive that MAC is a whole separae entity


Well-known member
yes MAC is a separate entity. They only rent the space at Macy's. You would have to apply directly with MAC. Submit your resume and they should call you in for an interview or a job fair. good luck! keep us posted!


Well-known member
i have heard bad things about working at macys to be honest.. if you can do a different department store, go for it.


Well-known member
Yeah what she said^^^ I work for them now (been there 3 years) and I absolutely hate it but if it weren't the fact I can't find another job right now I would quit.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SmokeSignal16
Yeah what she said^^^ I work for them now (been there 3 years) and I absolutely hate it but if it weren't the fact I can't find another job right now I would quit.

How come?
They don't require the MAC people to convince people to open Macy's cards right?


Well-known member
Their just douchebags but I am grateful to still have a job at least. Since your in MAC your fine since your a liscensed department so you don't have to open them. Since I work for Clinique and Macy's pays to have us in there (or something like that) we have to open credit accounts. Since I'm part time they require me to open 1 a week. It doesn't sound that bad, but when I'm there 15 hours a week (as of late, they cut hours) and my hours are like 6pm-9pm and every customer that comes in either has one, had one, or doesn't want one even when you explain what benefits there are to them. It just sucks because they threaten to write you up for not opening them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SmokeSignal16
Their just douchebags but I am grateful to still have a job at least. Since your in MAC your fine since your a liscensed department so you don't have to open them. Since I work for Clinique and Macy's pays to have us in there (or something like that) we have to open credit accounts. Since I'm part time they require me to open 1 a week. It doesn't sound that bad, but when I'm there 15 hours a week (as of late, they cut hours) and my hours are like 6pm-9pm and every customer that comes in either has one, had one, or doesn't want one even when you explain what benefits there are to them. It just sucks because they threaten to write you up for not opening them.

oh wow..that reallly sucks!!! i would so fail at that. good luck hun!!


Well-known member
I just heard bad things about them in general, iwas going to work there once but after a lot of time wasted (and friends who told me not to bother) i stayed away. i know MAC is not really working for macys but i have even heard people at mac say it is better to stay away.. this is just things i heard.. MAC is MAC and still a great opportunity where ever you go.
how do you go about applying for a cosmetics job at macy's or nordstroms? I am interested in doing so. and does each cosmetic line pay different?(excluding mac). i wanted to apply but $9.50 is really low!


Well-known member
For Macy's go to and then just search for a local macys store in your area and it'll pull up if there are any jobs in cosmetics. Nordstroms I would go to their careers page on the main website