Mine is supportive. He only dislikes if I'm wearing a lipstick that will kiss off and he wants to kiss me
He's trying to get me to look at my hobby as more of a business though, i.e. he thinks I try enough product every month to start a blog, I have a good eye for bargains and splurges, etc. But if I do that, then it's no longer a hobby -- and right now it's fun as a hobby
But here's his greatest show of support for my love of makeup:
Today we were at MAC looking at Fafi stuff and when the MA helping us said I had nice eyeshadow on he flat out said, "Yeah, you should hire her, she's got a good eye with color and won't go overboard on some products like some of the other people working the various counters in the store." I was almost embarrassed... but there was this one gal at the MAC counter who had cheeks so red she looked like she had just been slapped, and everything she was wearing looked like she troweled it on. She just gave us that "I know!" look and asked what I used.
The gal who helped us though was really nice
She asked if I wanted an application before I left haha