How fast do you go through pigments?


Well-known member
I will probably never go through a jar of pigment. I don't use them as often as I do my e/s, so a jar will last me a lifetime. I used to buy full jars of all the new ones that came out, but I'm trying to force myself to buy samples & save my money instead.


Well-known member
i plan on bequeathing my pigments to my children when it's no longer appropriate for me to wear shimmer on my eyes. i'm sure they'll stay in my family for generations. lol.

the only times i've ever known of people going through full jars of pigment are the people who sell samples.


Well-known member
the only one i can ever see me actually using up is pink opal cos i use it as a cheek highlight and im speeding through my sample! id say ive about a week and a bit worth of product left. i use teal and golden olive quite a bit too.


Well-known member
I think selling samples would be the only way for me to ever use them all up... you have to use so little for an aplication that I don't ever see myself finishing one!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Flammable
but doesn't MAC give free samples when asked? why does anyone have to buy samples??

I ALWAYS ask for a pigment sample when I make a purchase of a MAC product. It depends who's giving it, some MAs only put a tiny amount in, some almost fill up half the sample jar which will last a long time, so it really depends. I don't think you can ask for like 5 samples and expect to get them all for free, that's why I only ask for 1 pig. sample when I buy something else.


Well-known member
I use Vanilla the most and you can barely tell it's been used over the past year.
These puppies last forever!


Originally Posted by Flammable
but doesn't MAC give free samples when asked? why does anyone have to buy samples??

People began to take advantage of the niceness and sell them on ebay instead.


Well-known member
I can go through one within 6 months to a year if I wear it regularly. I have too manychoies to really run out of anything right now though.


Well-known member
pigments, like diamonds, are a girl's best friend - they last forever!

so even though paying around $20.00 for a little jar of pigment may seem like a lot, there's enough product in the jar to last you a year or two. maybe even more if you don't use the pigment all the time. ♥


Well-known member can make friends with your local friendly MA and have them give you samples of I do! I swear I'd give away half the counters if they'd let me (you can thank Nordies for that!!)...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000 can make friends with your local friendly MA and have them give you samples of I do! I swear I'd give away half the counters if they'd let me (you can thank Nordies for that!!)...

.. and don't i know ALL about that gissy?!?!
oye, r u gonna be at the bloomies pro tour this weekend?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
I ALWAYS ask for a pigment sample when I make a purchase of a MAC product. It depends who's giving it, some MAs only put a tiny amount in, some almost fill up half the sample jar which will last a long time, so it really depends. I don't think you can ask for like 5 samples and expect to get them all for free, that's why I only ask for 1 pig. sample when I buy something else.

I asked for three samples the last time I was at the MAC pro store (I was buying a pro palette at the same time), and the MA gave me all three. I am sure I will be able to get at least 20-25 uses out of each one.


Well-known member
I've gone thru Vanilla, Pink Pearl, and green Brown.
Vanilla took about 2 years. I used it as a highlighter and shadow, alot. Pink Pearl about a year, because I mix it with lip gloss constantly. It seems to take more product to mix it with other things, at least to get the intensity of color that you would want. Green Brown, I spilled half of it on the sink, so I guess it really doesn't count for using it completely. I put them all in sample jars now, so if I spill, it's not all gone.
Keep in mind, I'm not just using on myself. I used Vanilla on many a bridal party

For the average person, it would take a loooooong time to get thru an entire jar, especially if you have many to choose from.


Well-known member
i've never hit the bottom of a pigment jar even though i give samples to other people.
Actually i am about half way through my first jar of Tan. (only because i keep giving it away

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