How I Miss The Old Britney :(


Well-known member
She just looks sloppy now. It looks like if she would just wash her hair and her face and apply a little makeup and not wear the frumpiest ill-fitting crap she found on her bedroom floor, she would look fine. I think she is a pretty girl that is just going through a bummy stage or something. She could fix up real easy.


Well-known member
i used to love her when i was younger, i was just the right age for the dolls and stuff! it's obvious someone will probably put on weight as they get older, but she really has let herself go in all areas, smoking and drinking, not wearing pants!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
haha NOOOOOOO not smoking and drinking!!! What a sin!

lol, that's not what i meant! i drink too, but once a week and i'm 18. She has children and responsibilities, and seems to go out a lot!! I don't like smoking though, it ages you and is disgusting all round in my opinion.

I think she should quit, go out once a week or so and get healthy again, if not for her own health and career's sake but for her children's!!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I feel so sorry for her. She seems like a sweet enough girl, a little dumb but nice. From what I've read or seen about her, she doesn't seem to have had much of a childhood. Being on TV/singing was probably fun at first, but she did have a grueling schedule to maintain. I think she got tired of having to uphold whatever image the record company wanted her to have at the time and just said to hell with and rebelled. I just wish her rebellion weren't so destructive (I'm not just talking about the smoking and heavy partying but the part where she embarrasses herself all the time and gets reminded about via the media) and that she hadn't had kids as means of rebellion/wanting to be loved.

I bet her mother is involved with Jamie-Lynn's career now. Her mother, IMO, gave off a famewhore/stagemother in the worst way vibe. Jamie-Lynn is the more viable one right now.

I hope that Britney gets herself the help she needs and finds happiness somewhere.


Well-known member
Man she looks trashtacular in the last pic but i think she will really come back better than ever. And I think she's learned a LOT


Well-known member
She has let herself go. I don't understand why the hell can't she just stay home for a bit and get her act together?? Good Lord woman, just stay home!

We all have to keep in mind that its common knowledge that she's more than a bit frumpy right now, so the press are all gunning for the worst angle to shot her in. Slouched posture, protruding nipple that looks like a marble falling off of a fried egg of a saggy brest, double chin, rat's nest hair, hell those are paparazzi gold right now. Granted she's making the paparazzi's job easier right now, but the paparazzi are probably wreaking havoc on her self esteem too.



Well-known member
Damn! I don't care who you are, have the decency to wash your hair and cover your thong. That last pic was just nasty.


Well-known member
she looks so sad & exhausted in the last picture.
i feel so bad that she constantly has to deal with so many people picking her apart. i can't wait until she makes a comeback!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jade
Then.. ....

I'm about to be really immature, but doesn't she kind of look like she's about to pull a thong wedgie out of her bum? Sorry, it's just the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the pic.


Well-known member
I dont think she really knows who she is and what she wants anymore. It doesn't seem like she has had much time to really find out who she is and shes surrounded by yes men and sometimes i almost wonder if she just wants to say to hell with it all I accomplished what i wanted now I just want to rest?

Who knows.


Well-known member
there is actually a news video clip of her walking around in the tat shop.. yes she sahved her head... it is for real


Active member
does anyone have a picture of britney...with her shaved head? im curious to see...but not a video, cos my comp cant handle them!

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