How long are we newbies for?


Active member
Well I registered here in April, but had only been lurking and not posting much. I saw today that I am still classified as a "newbie" and so I wondered if there is a time limit or after a certain amount of posts where I won't be a "newbie" anymore.

I am a Southern California girl (can't remember if I posted an intro or not in April) who is a law student and full time mom of 3 boys and my stepdaughter is here in the summer. This was our first summer having her.

I am new to most of this (all makeup) so give me time please


Well-known member's not the amount of time you've been a member (some members I've seen registered since '05 and they are still labeled "Newbie")...It goes by the # of posts you make


Active member
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine's not the amount of time you've been a member (some members I've seen registered since '05 and they are still labeled "Newbie")...It goes by the # of posts you make

So how many posts until I am not a "newbie" anymore? Also, which are the most active forums? The ones I go through don't seem to be as active. I don't know. It is all a little confusing to me.

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