How long did it take you...


Well-known member
To get pregnant? DH and I have been talking about when to stop taking the pill, it's not going to happen quite yet BUT it really has got me thinking... I have taken it for about 10 years now and have heard it can take time for your body to adjust and get pregnant... at the same time I know many girls who got pregnant right away. Did you just go at it until it happened or were you diligently trying and doing things like OPK's and charting?


Well-known member
Well I can not talk from experience but one of my girl friends was on the pill for approx 3 years. It took them 1 year to get pregnant. They just went for it and was blessed with a beautiful boy. She did go to see the doc just before she discontinued the pill though just to ensure all was in order. HTHS ...


Well-known member
I got pregnant with my first four months after going off the pill, the first month we tried. I got pregnant with my third five months after going off of the Ring, but it took all five months of trying.

I would highly recommend that you start charting now. I wouldn't spend money on OPKs yet, because you may not ever need them. I would recommend you go to and start charting. That way, if, God forbid, you do have trouble conceiving after a long period of time, you have months of documentation that can help your doctor when trying to pinpoint a problem. And if you can see early patterns emerging, you can up your chances of getting pregnant by using the right timing.

Good luck!


Well-known member
Thanks for the great info. We were going to just go for it and see what happens but I think the charting would be a good idea, like you said, just in case. I don't want to fall into charting dependancy though at the same time, maybe after 2-4 months if we get nothing. I know people who are all Nazi about charting and using OPK's and other fertility monitors and I think that takes the fun out of it.

Honestly the idea of pregnancy is still a little scary to me. A part of me worries about infertility and the other part worries about getting pregnant our first try! I hope that makes sense.


Well-known member
You can chart and have it be very low key. I never used anything but the basic free chart they offer and my daily temps. That way I got to understand what my body was doing different times of the month.

There are some uber-obsessive charters, though. I just am not that type of person, so I did the minimum necessary LOL. I never bought an OPK or other type of monitor because I just didn't want to get that involved.


Well-known member
And congrats on your pregnancy!!! How exciting!

I really want to buy Take Charge of Your Fertility so I can better understand all that business. Have you read it?


Well-known member
It is a great book, one I highly recommend. You may be surprised by the things that you think you know about your body and conception that you find out you don't really know!


Well-known member
Uh... Hehe. Well, I had been on the pill for years, but I guess had forgotten a couple of days of pills, then ended up pregnant.


Well-known member
I was on the pill for 4months and took them everyday on the hour and STILL ended up pregnant w my first child. but I was given the
"mini pill" the bright green ones w low estrogen..
now Im on the regular ones and it seems to be workin..
I hope!
I dunno how the pill failed me but it makes other ppl take long to conceive?...


Active member
i got pregnant right away with my son, like the next month but i am fertile myrtle. Being pre med I know doctors say from 4-6 months is average.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Luna*
I really want to buy Take Charge of Your Fertility so I can better understand all that business. Have you read it?

I've got to read that. This might be TMI, but I haven't had a period in almost a year, been on hormonal treatments, etc and nothing. We thought it would only take 4-6 months to conceive, but it's taking us forever for me to even start menstruating.

I've had friends who were on birth control for a considerable amount of time and most ended up pregnant within the first year of trying. Good luck to you when that time comes


Well-known member
The first time I got pregnant really, really fast but the second time took over a year and then only after I resorted to charting my temperature.


Well-known member
I had to post to this because, ironically, someone asked me about this yesterday at work. I had been taking the pill for 7 years, since the birth of my daughter. I got remarried in Nov. 2005 and my husband and I decided to try to get pregnant. I went to the dr. the first part of Nov, and the dr. said, "it will take you a while since you've been on the pill so long. It takes some time for the hormones to completely leave your body". To make a long story short, I got pregnant Christmas night (one month after coming off the pill) and am now the proud mother of 6 month old TWIN boys. Good luck!!!

Another Janice!

Well-known member
I was on the pill for almost 7 years. Stopped taking it on June 23 and was pregnant the first week of August 2002.

Miscarried the last week of Sept. (D&C's suck) waited until I healed from that...and was pregnant again the last week of November.

Was off the pill for a month and got pregnant twice in one year.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dreaeluna
i got pregnant right away with my son, like the next month but i am fertile myrtle. Being pre med I know doctors say from 4-6 months is average.

Me too..I had an ectopic pregnancy before I was pregnant with my oldest son...that was in December of ' February of '89 I was pregnant with him. My youngest was unexpected, but happened as soon as I got off the pill in '95...

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