How Long does it take to do your make up?


Well-known member
I thought I was having delusions... I thought I'd posted about this last week...

Iridescence... just looking down the page you would have found the thread from last week about this...


Well-known member
If I'm taking my time, I'd say 30 minutes. If I'm in a rush, I'd say about 10 minutes.


Well-known member
depends on where i'm going- for work it's basic foundation, powder, bit of blush and mascara! i'm always late so i'll try and do it in 5-10 mins! but for going out, i'd say 30 mins


Well-known member
On a work day 15-20 minutes, if I am going out somewhere I take my time anywhere from 30-40 minutes.


Well-known member
Work days take me about 20 minutes, and evenings can run anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes depending upon the event or mishaps.


Well-known member
usually about 20 minutes to an hour, sometimes i can take up to an hour and a half but that's if i know i have a lot of time. it also depends on my skin and whether or not i need foundation or just concealer on a few areas.


Active member
5 min = bare-faced weekend
15-20 min = neutral workday (I wear the same thing over and over_
30 min = going out or a big meeting
45 min = big event