How long does it take?!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by l1onqueen
For real, it wasnt the actual fact that he wanted me to buy it myself, it was the way it was said. It came off like "well if its so serious, if its that important to you, then you go ahead and get it." That hurt my feelings so bad...

Oh yeah that would have hurt my feeling to....

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
If you feel this strongly about it, please sit down with him to have a serious talk! Does he really know how important a wedding/marriage is to you? If you have let him know how important this is to you and how upset you are this happened, you have to decide if your desire to be married is greater than your desire to stay with him. I know it's not an easy decision, but if may come to that.

I'm sure there is nothing wrong with you. He may simply be afraid of committing. Even though it sounds like you have an established relationship, the legality may scare the beejesus out of him. I repeat, though, that if this is important to you, you must do what's best for yourself.

My boyfriend/fiance has proposed to me in June and still has yet to get a ring for me. He doesn't have a job, but he also has managed to find money for a trip to Seattle/Vancouver and is talking about traveling to Asia this winter. I'm not looking forward to the talk, but I know it's necessary, because it hurts me that he won't get a ring for me (I don't even want an expensive ring) or set a date for any kind of weddingish thing. It's embarrassing to me when we go out places with people who are engaged and they ask me these questions. If I'm not upfront, I'm afraid I could end up like Pam from The Office with a long engagement with no end in sight.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I would just tell him we need to get engaged now...and I want to be married by this date...Let me know if this is not workable for you so I can get on with the rest of my life. I would let him know exactly when you expect to have a ring...and exactly when you expect to say I do. Don't set the date n your mind...tell him...been there...some men just have to know you are firm and this is not a joke. (I had one)


I haven't been in this situation exactly, but I would do exactly the same thing. I have things I want from life, and you better believe if one person will not give them to me, I will surely find someone who will!


Well-known member
Personally, I'd have left long ago, but I understand that you want to be with him since he the father of your child. I agree with the other ladies - tell him we either get married properly, or I walk. Because think of it this way...a lot of places (hospitals and the like) will not acknowledge him/you as the next of kin if you aren't married. What if something happens to one of you? You'll have to bear it alone if the place you go to does things this way. It might be good to tell him that.

Keep in mind though, that if he feels forced (even though he isn't, slacker man that he is), he will not be a happy husband.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I would just tell him we need to get engaged now...and I want to be married by this date...Let me know if this is not workable for you so I can get on with the rest of my life. I would let him know exactly when you expect to have a ring...and exactly when you expect to say I do. Don't set the date n your mind...tell him...been there...some men just have to know you are firm and this is not a joke. (I had one)

This is what you are going to have to do. Men cannot take subtle hints. This reminds me of my friend's relationship. They've been together five or six years and JUST moved in together. I am way too impatient for that, and it would not take me that long to figure out whether or not I liked someone enough to stay around. But it works for them, and your situation does not sound like it's working for you.