How many languages do you speak or would you like to speak?


Well-known member
I speak Finnish (my mother tongue), English, Swedish and German. I'd like to learn French and Italian too, mainly because they sound so beautiful! They'd also be quite useful as I'm into wine and they're the main languages in the wine world. I'm hoping to work in Norway at some point, so I guess I'll have to learn some Norwegian too.


Well-known member
I speak English and Vietnamese fluently while I can only speak a bit of French, German, and Spanish. I would love to learn all the languages in this world! =)


Well-known member
Je parle français, c'est ma langue maternelle
I do speak and write english but sometimes I still make mistakes...
I started a german class but stopped it to soon, I'd really like to learn it well.
Maybe some russian(?) too


Well-known member
I speak some french, some german. There are about 7 languages that I would like to be fluent in. Hmmm, that may take some time.
I know a lot of basic words in several languages due to travel, but my skill level would lead to very short converations.

However, I do have a very special gift with languages. I am able to swear in several different languages. I am quite proud of that. Kind of like a really cultured potty mouth.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
Je parle français, c'est ma langue maternelle
I do speak and write english but sometimes I still make mistakes...
I started a german class but stopped it to soon, I'd really like to learn it well.
Maybe some russian(?) too

Je parle francais, aussi Willa! I took 4 years of it in high school and then placed into 102 my freshman year...I didn't take a language last year (wish I did) and this past Spring I took Portuguese which I LOOOOOVE!! I can't wait to take the upper-level class in the Fall, but until then I'm gonna pick up one of those little language kits from Barnes and Nobles or I've always dreamed of visiting Brazil (I'm hoping to take a trip there as a gift to myself after graduation) so I figured it might be helpful to learn the native tongue, ya know?

I can also speak/understand a little Spanish, but I'd like to be better at it since I wanna move to CA or FL someday....I can also speak/understand Padua (pronounced potwah)--it originated in Jamaica I believe :confused: , but my mother is from Trinidad and the rest of her family is from Grenada/St. Croix and they speak a certain dialect of it as well....if you guys know who Sean Paul is, he speaks Padua! I'd like to learn Arabic and Swahili as well

It's good to see so many women want to broaden their horizons (or have already done so) and expand their cultural knowledge! This is a really motivating thread, Thanks OP


Well-known member
SChotgurrl, alors je décrète que nous sommes amies dès aujourd'hui!

Never been to South Carolina..


Well-known member
I speak English and can get by in Spanish.
I also speak THE most important language for this website:MAC.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
SChotgurrl, alors je décrète que nous sommes amies dès aujourd'hui!

Never been to South Carolina..

Pourquoi oui, Willa je conviennent totalement!

I've never been to Canada either! I'd love to visit someday though....*sighs dreamily*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SChotgurrl
Pourquoi oui, Willa je conviennent totalement!

I've never been to Canada either! I'd love to visit someday though....*sighs dreamily*

You should come over this summer!
I have a place for you at home


Well-known member
Seriously???? I found tickets on studentuinverse for $300!!!! Girl don't tempt me cuz I seriously would do it!!!!!


Well-known member
i speak german (mothertongue), english (could be better :-()
and i want to learn spanish in summer


Well-known member
English is the only language I am proficient in, although I do speak some Spanish. I had 2 years of German and a year of Latin in college, so just enough to be dangerous lol! I am in the process of learning Hieroglyphs (although no one knows how ancient Egyptian was pronounced as they didn't have vowels....) and I have to learn Arabic at some point in the next 3 years. Whew. I'm going to be really confused lol!

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
I can speak English (mothertongue), i used to be really fluent in French but i forgotton most of it, i can order a beer and cola in spanish and some other stuff, couple words in german and thats it lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SChotgurrl
Seriously???? I found tickets on studentuinverse for $300!!!! Girl don't tempt me cuz I seriously would do it!!!!!

I'm serious!
If we get to know each other, it could be fun, i'd help you with your french and you with my english.

Just pm me and we'll ''talk''



basically i'd just like to "finish" what languages i've started learning.. in order of progress not counting English which is my mother tongue..
Spanish (which i can understand and speak quite a bit more than i give myself credit for, hence the first place but if someone asks i'll be like "i don't know much)


Well-known member
I speak fluent english
Arabic when i pray althought would love to hold a conversation in it
urdu, punjabi, hinko, one or two pushto words
and did spanish at school think i've forgotten most of it!


Well-known member
i speak german...and a little bit english. french not so good but i understand something. I learn it in school and english, too. i would speak spanish and more english and french.