i'm surprised to see how many people know italian...
i'm happy!
italian is my mothertongue and i speak english and serbocroat (or serbian and croatian if you prefer)! i tried learning french but it was a total failure
english is my native and i consider myself fluent in spanish (as im often correcting my teacher...
i know a bit of german on my own and im taking it in school next year. i also have a book on russian, and i know the alphabet but i'm not sure if i want to learn any more
im thinking of sticking to languages with the alphabet i'm used to.
and i can understand very basic italian and portuguese due to my love for spanish.
I'm a native german speaker, but I'm also fluent in spanish (SO is from Peru so we always speak a mix of spanish and some german) and english. Apart from that, I studied Latin and French at school and brazilian portuguese at university!
could someone please help me with my english???
i want to know whats the word for: when you are with a boy and you just kiss and touch and stuff, but not making love, and he hasnt have to be your boyfriend
Russian is my first language, English second. I'm fluent in both, but now I think my English is more robust since I use it so much more. Plus, I have terrible high school French (my speaking is atrocious, but I can understand conversational French rather well).
Originally Posted by Urbana could someone please help me with my english???
i want to know whats the word for: when you are with a boy and you just kiss and touch and stuff, but not making love, and he hasnt have to be your boyfriend
I speak english, cantonese, mandarin, I can understand several other chinese dialects (I just can't really speak them), and I studied french for 4 years... not enough to hold a conversation, though.