how many of you ladies HATE buying jeans?


Well-known member
I hate buying jeans :[
I'm 5' and I wear a 0 or a 00
the pants I find are always made for a taller skinny person, so the pockets come down to my thighs!
It's annoying.
Originally Posted by RoseLee
My issue with buying jeans is that most jeans are too long for me. I am 5'0. Even "short" lengths is still log. =(

It's the same way with me. I either have to hem them or deal with walking all over them & eventually tearing them up.

Also, I gained an insane amount of weight with my last pregnancy and I've found that Angel jeans are nice for the non-petite.. because some are a little stretchier & they flatter big butts & thighs! Lol


Well-known member
oh, i hate going jean shopping

i'm like a pear shape (?) and 5'9", so either I get the pretty nice fitting short jeans :S or the nice long jeans where the top goes to my belly button or over...

it's very rare though when I find like the perfect jeans

a while ago I when to Old Navy and got a long pair of dark washed boot cut 'Flirt' jeans :p it took a really long time for me to decide whether to get them. It was really confusing because they have the 3 types of popluar jeans ( Flirt, Diva, Sweetheart) and they all came in 2 styles. But the disappointment was that I went there looking for really nice black jeans, but ALL the black jeans only came in the regular length X@! I was upset for a while because I wouldn't think that it would be soo hard to add like 3 inches of black fabric to jeans, and make them 'long', but whatever I guess.


Well-known member
I love buying jeans from picking out the cut to trying them on. I could live in jeans if I had to. I have about 40 pairs.


Well-known member
me! even looking online its hard to find because usually they dont got my size (size 0). and im not even skinny @ all, im just relli short (5'2) so sometimes its too damn long for mee and i always end up stepping on the ends ruining em.. lol


Well-known member
I hate buying jeans. It never fails, I find some I like and then, they stop making them so, the process starts all over again.


Well-known member
I hate buying most pants and jeans, lol. They are either too tight on my hips/thighs & bum and loose around my belly or too tight around my belly and loose on my bum/hips/thighs! Sooooo annoying, I hate shopping for pants


Well-known member
I really hate buying jeans because it's har for me to find a flattering pair. I notices stretch denim slightly bootcut are the way to go. I'm only 5"2 with wide hips, thick thighs and a big 'ol butt!!

Once i find a pair that look great i'll buy 4 or 5 pairs and in different colours.


Well-known member
Know what I hate about buying jeans? Finding a pair with pockets that aren't placed halfway down my upper thigh. It's so fucking annoying. :/


Well-known member
Low back pockets drive me nuts!!!

I've got the problem with having a smaller waist and hips and thick thick thighs.

I recently bought Gap's Long and Lean jeans in the indigo wash. I was amazed how they had room for my thighs yet still snug around my waist! I bought two pairs just in case...and for the price of 1 designer pair!


Well-known member
I really hate jeans...except one pair of Hilfigers i bought that have the intensional tear in the knee...they're the only comfy pair. Some that have that 1% stretch in them help, but they're still awful.

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by melliquor
I love buying jeans from picking out the cut to trying them on. I could live in jeans if I had to. I have about 40 pairs.

me too^

i actually enjoy buying jeans, i love hydraulix, dollhouse, ambercrombi, hollister, espress, i have over 100 pairs of jeans.
what i do hate shoping for is pants that only come in s m l and not numbers.. so frustrateing


Well-known member
I hate buying jeans because I'm short (4'11") and I absolutely detest having to go through the trouble of bringing it to a seamstress to have it shortened. This also means I can't buy jeans with any detailing at the foot because it's gone after it goes for repair. Because of this, I have stopped wearing jeans and pants altogether. (Fortunately, I live in a country with a warm climate, so I don't get freezing legs from wearing skirts and dresses everyday.)


Well-known member
I hate buying jeans so much. I'm short and all the jeans around now are so long! I only have a couple pairs that actually fit me, I have to get everything hemmed. It's so annoying! But when you find a perfect pair its like *heaven*


Well-known member
I'm so excited because I found a pair of jeans that actually fit me through the body. The length is a little long, but I can deal with it.

I have a wide, high, and prominent butt compared to the rest of my body (think Jennifer Lopez). It's so nice to not have my ass bulging out, a five-inch gap in the back waist, and muffin top in the front.

Get ready for this: Levi's Curvy Fit jeans. Sadly, the outlet store only had one pair in my size. But when I find more pairs in my size, I am buying them all. So if you live in Florida and wonder why you can't find size 3 in these pants, you'll know why.

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