How much are you planning on spending on the upcoming collections?


Well-known member
Ok, So heres what I want but probably wont end up actually getting. And keep in mind, this is like.. bare minimum.

-Lipglass Minis - $28.50
-Lipgelee Minis - ?
-Paint Minis - $28.50
-Mystical Myst e/s - $13.50
-Blue Absinthe e/s - $13.50 x 3 (one for use, one back up, and one to sell later on)
-Everopal Pearlizer - $18.50
-Magenta Treasure Set - $30.00
-Viva Glam Palette - $32.00
-Magenta Eye Palette - $34.00
Grand total - too f*ckin much.

I cant afford it though, I have a little one on the way so I must be savin, not spendin on make up.



Well-known member
I don't dare to specify what I'm about to buy since I don't want to see how much I'll spent, but no risk no fun!

Idol Eyes will be released in the next week so I'll add this!

Idol Eyes:
Crystal Avalanche
Mercuric Glitter Eye Liner (I hope m mom gets it for herself and I use it

Wishful e/s
Sensualize e/s
Luxuriate l/g
Pearlette Pearlizer
or Opulent Pearlizer

Holiday Palettes:
none!!! I think the colour descriptions or pics suck!!

Holiday Temptations:
5 Lipglass Minis Warm

Treasures & Stashettes:
(maybe) Treasure Set Teal
Stashette Olive (finally a #190!!!!!!)

The Indulgences/Luxuries will never reach my counter or the Pro Store!

Who's that Lady?:
since the Lip Gelees will be permanent, I can skip them
Hmm but I have to take a look at the Shimmer Glitters

Disney TLCs:

Goldenaire pigment
(maybe) Lovely Lily pigment
(maybe) Petticoat MSF

makes a total of approx:
€ 391 (ca. $469)

Damn!! Somebody needs to buy me something from this collections for Christmas!!!!

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