How much do you spend per week/month on MAC Makeup?


Well-known member
hmmm. way to much for a boy. i average at least $100. but the past few months its been $50+ a week and $200-$250 a month. however that might increase today w/ flash/rush and in two weeks with in 3d and then two weeks after that w/ smoke. gosh, what is a boy to do?


Well-known member
over the last few months, i've been making my payday (every other friday) my MAC/makeup day. i've been dropping around $50-200 every paycheck, so i guess that averages out to anywhere between $100-400/month. ouch. my boyfriend is seriously going to kill me! i dropped almost $200 today on flashtronic/rushmetal... how oh how am i going to sneak my big MAC bag into the house without the boyf catching me? hehe.


Well-known member
im an impulse buyer too. i'll go in to browse and come out with about £50-£70 worth of stuff maybe every 2-4weeks.


Well-known member
I try to limit to $150 for every collection(s) release. For Rushmetal and Flashtronic, i have gone over that. I spend about $130 online, but i am going to the store tomorrow and buying 3 of the MES. I don't hardly own any of the regular line. So, when birthdays and holidays roll around- the regular line goes on my list. Haha.


Well-known member
Usually $100-$150 a month depending on how much I like the collections. Sometimes more, sometimes less. I can skip a collection entirely and be ok, or I can want everything and have to be choosy with my purchases. I tend to hoard my empties for collections where I know I want alot of stuff so that helps a little too
The bigger my collection gets, the less I spend because I am finding alot of things are close to things I already have

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