How much of you Collection is MAC?


Well-known member
I'd say about 80%. My base products - foundation, concealer etc - are from MAC as well as almost all the blushes I use.


Active member
I'd say about 95%. MAC is what got me into make up in the first place and only now have I started branching out to other brands like UD, MUFE, Stila, etc. I see my collection of other brands growing in the future because there are some things that are just better quality-wise


Well-known member
I just started collecting in late December. At that point it was about 95% MAC. Now I have branched out to NARS, NYX, UD, Lancome, CD, Illamsaqua, Bobbi Brown, MUFE, etc.. I love that I have a lot of different looks and choices. Now I would say only 50% is MAC. I love MAC, but sometimes I just find a better product elsewhere and love trying out new things.


New member
about 95%...I'm trying to start to branch into others though! Like NARS, STILA, smashbox, NYX etc...I guess I got really comfortable with MAC so I feel like I can handle anything thats put infront of me with their product. LOL :) I'm nervouse about spending $ on other products and not luvin' them as much... :/


Well-known member
about 70%
20% NARS (my new love)
and the rest some UD, chanel, bb, armani
no drugstore except for 1 eyeshadow and some mascaras


Well-known member
99%. MAC is really generous when you work for them - I seriously haven't had to buy any other line for the past 7 years. its crazy.


Well-known member
About 40%, maybe. I use non-mac face products (foundation, primer, powder, blush, etc). I also have a slight obsession with YSL eyeshadow compacts and lipsticks. And I have a huge amount of lipgloss, none of it Mac (mostly Bare Minerals, ELF, Lancome, Burt's Bees, NARS, etc). I do have more Mac e/s and l/s than any other individual brand, though.