How much of you Collection is MAC?


Well-known member
Alllll depends on product "area"...

Eyes - 90%. Pretty much all except pencil liners is MAC.
Face - 5%
Cheeks - 40% ish
Lips - 75%

It varies! Heh.


Well-known member
At least 90%. I don't even like to keep my non mac items together with them. Somehow, I feel it contaminates things. I'd like to store everything separately, but unfortunately don't have enough space to do so (yet).


Well-known member
about 70%. I believe in trying stuff from different brands...

But i almost never buy drugstore make up... cause i'm just not into drugstore stuff


Well-known member
probably 95%+

I recently started branching out with other brands like Urban Decay, Lancome, Dior, NARS, Rock & Republic, but MAC still has my heart where it counts



Well-known member
Originally Posted by geeko
But i almost never buy drugstore make up... cause i'm just not into drugstore stuff

Same here!
It's kind of funny, because I used to buy drugstore stuff almost exclusively.
But since I discovered higher-end cosmetics, the drugstore items just don't satisfy me.
The main thing for me is the fact that so many of the drugstore brands are from companies that are known animal-testers, so I won't buy their products, no matter how good they might be.
MAC, ,Urban Decay, and Stila(in that approximate order) are my main brands!

Avon has some good items, too, but I find them kind of hit-or-miss.

Paint&Ink Chick

Well-known member
I'd have to say 95-97% of it is ALL MAC lol, have some non-Mac brushes & use drugstore mascara. Until I started watching youtube videos it was all Mac,lol so been trying to venture out.


Well-known member
Is too much a valid answer? I would say in the last year or so I've been branching out into other brands. It helps that I'm subscribed to some other cosmetics companies emails. When they have a sale or a one day/hour thing it makes it so much easier to branch out into other brands. My MUFE collection is starting to bigger and I love it!


Well-known member
A lot of my collection is everyday minerals, because it used to be cheap(er). After playing with that for a while i moved onto trying more high end stuff, mostly MAC. So I guess MAC is a second. I started buying the lipsticks, and moved to different things.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Around about 95%. I had a larger collection and more variety in brands but I had to leave a lot of it behind in a move last year, so basically all of the higher end stuff made the cut.


Well-known member
At the moment mine is about 80% MAC but it's becoming less and less due to recent bad experiences with MAC counter staff here in Brisbane. Fail, so I'm starting to build up my MUFE collection instead!


I feel embarassed to say this but I only have a few MAC items. I have strobe fluid, 2 fluidlines, 3 eyeshadows, 1 blush, 2 msfs, 1 powerpoint, 2 pearlglides, 4 lipsticks. But this only makes up maybe 1% of my collection. I have tons of other stuff from prestige brands but slowly getting into MAC. I really want some of the stuff from past collections, especially the more luxurious ones.


Well-known member
75% mac
10% nars
5% drugstore
10% big time misc...
from UD, MUFE, Bare Essentials, Tarte, independent brands, Lancome, and many others


Well-known member
My MAC:eek:ther brands ratio has declined a little lately, since I've gone on a matte eyeshadow kick.
Certainly, MAC has some wonderful mattes, and I own quite a few, but I find that on occasion I've had to shop other brands to get the exact shade I want.
I'm ridiculously picky.
For example, I recently ordered MAC's Blanc Type, and while it's okay, it's the tiiiniest bit too warm for me.
The nearest MAC counter won't do exchanges, so I'm giving it to someone whose coloring it *will* suit.
In the meantime, I got Bobbi Brown's "Bone," which is more neutral, and therefore perfect for me.
All that to say: If MAC doesn't have exactly what I want, I'll shop other brands.
One way or another, I've managed to amass a fabulous makeup collection.


I've just started collecting MAC after collecting other brands like MUFE, Benefit, Smashbox, NARS, Bobbi Brown, etc. So it may be like 1-2% right now but it will grow quickly like all my other collections.


Well-known member
probably 95%...i guess i just find mac to be a good balance of quality, affordability and accessibility.