How much over retail are you willing to pay for the REALLY HTF Items?


Well-known member
hmm.. it depends on the item and how badly i want it


Well-known member
if its haze(3), pretty twisted(had 2 at one point), glitz(2), pleasureflush(3), hot + sour paint(2), coco beach(2.5 jars), bronze pigment etc then yes id pay again..why because these items have not been around for over 2-5 yrs..and are VERY HARD TO FIND and MAC is not bringing them back (well coco beach was a charm and thats about it)..something like parrot or lucky green really arent worth the hype to me..

and i will let it be known ive never paid over 100 for any hard to find/disc/ le product ever..i think ive paid what is fair..then again whatever I want I get..thats just me and i use all my items


Active member
Originally Posted by missytakespics
I'm curious, if you want something SO much over retail would you pay?
Ive seen Pleasureflush go for over $150 on ebay...
Not to mention the Kitschmas craze a few years back, and now some other pigment madness.
Who's that Lady lipgelee goes for like 40-60 on ebay now...
Would you pay these prices if you wanted it badly?

Im just curious because something popped up on ebay that i've been searching for for QUITE awhile...a rare and htf item that was never even released to the public for sale...and im just wondering if spending like 30-50 bucks over retail is crazy.
I spent 35 bucks for HALF a jar of mustard pigment a few months ago...I HAD to have it so bad, but its so hard to find I dont even use it. I dont want to make that mistake again, but i REALLY want this item.
would you do it? if something you never see suddenly surfaced for sale?

oooo I want mustard pigment...But $35.00 should use it!


Active member
If I really wanted something and was a collector, then yes I would get it. But only if the seller was reputable and I could not stop thinking about it-oh, and if I had enough money to do it


Well-known member
i pay over retail all the time but i justify it because i REALLY want it and i'll REALLY use it.


Well-known member
It would depend on the item. I would pay much more for a rare pigment (brass, mustard, smoked mauve), than I would for an eyeshadow. In most cases, a pigment will last forever if it's not something that you use everyday. The only shadow I would pay a lot for is Pretty Twisted, it's an all time favorite for me. I would probably pay about $50 for it if I could find it at that price. Since the last few times it's popped up on ebay, it went for over $100 each time, so I will probably never have another one.
At this point I would not pay over retail for an MSF, because they are still releasing them frequently.
I don't begrudge those who will pay that much for something they really want, nor do I have any issue with those who sell it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cloverette
i'd say go for it, as long as it's not an extremely crazy price (like $100). you'll regret it if you don't get it, and you could always resell it for a high amount if you don't want it, anymore.

will you tell us what it was after the auction is over?

yes totally...and hopefully i will be its proud new owner!


Well-known member
I'm not really a big collector, so HTF items are nice if I can find them for cheap, but I won't pay any more than $10 above retail for them.

There's always new and exciting things coming out, I'd rather spend my kit money on them.


Well-known member
I agree with one of the posters who said "zero". I can't justify throwing away money on something for more than it's worth...even makeup!! I will just try to find something similar to whatever it is that I want. It helps that I can't wear makeup that is not currently available at the counter.


Well-known member
I was SO tempted to buy the set of all the MSFs that one seller had up on Ebay for a Buy It Now of $320, I think. I have Shimpagne, Naked You and Petticoat, and would love to get some of the others, and the price looked like a steal from a seller I have used before. But with no insurance available, the shipping to England would have been risky



Well-known member
The most I paid for an eyeshadow was $16, and a quad for $37. Nothing else I've bought was over retail (unless you include shipping). I just cant justify spending so much, especially when I calculate how many hours I would have to work to buy it, haha.


Well-known member
i've paid a little bit more for a couple of pigments, but nothing in terms of ebay prices...i've been fortunate enough to be around mac for enough time that i've gotten what i've wanted before it's discontinued. If it's something i really wanted i'd pay whatever i wanted because for one i'd have the cash to pay for it and secondly i know i'd use the item. More power to the person who pays a lot for a particular item. I know if all of us had great paychecks none of us would mind paying a lot more than retail for an item that's REALLY hard to find.


Well-known member
if i really really want it, i'll pay no more than 10-15 dollars over retail.
But if its extremely hard to find and I am losing sleep over it, I'll spend whatever I can afford to!


Well-known member
It really depends on the item. The highest I have ever paid for a BNIB MSF was $40 and I also paid $60 for a brand new Liza PM quad. I don't think I could ever justify going over anymore than $60. I mean it really just depends on how much you want that item.


Well-known member
I have a collector mentality, and I buy *everything* when a collection comes out. Thus, I never pay over retail for recent items (MSF's, Lucky Green, etc.). :p I actually get a lot of things under retail by swapping and CPing. I have pretty much everything I want right now, and I'm patient about getting HTF/LE/DISC items so I don't spend that much money per item. I got a Temperly, So Ceylon, Flowering, etc all at retail (or lower) by not giving into crazes.


Well-known member
I have bought 2 D/c paints over retail because I have a feeling they wont be realeased again. Hot+Sour and Blueboy (trying for another paint right now) and also Get Sureal cheekHue. I just go crazy over the paints, esp in different colors. But I did not pay more than 7 dollars retail (plus shipping) even for Hot+Sour. Otherwise, I don't see much of an issue for buying HTF e/s as there are so many similar shades elsewhere. But the paints... I have never had anything else like these.

Cool Kitten

Well-known member
i probably wouldn't pay more than $10 over retail because i can always find something i'll like that's similar. I just think that i could buy 2 or 3 of other items for the same amount and my desire to own the item fades away...


Well-known member
For shadows I don't have (that are really rare - not like parrot or lucky green) I'll go into the $100's if I don't have 3 of them. Like with Haze, I have 2 but I'd pay $100+ for another. Judy Blue, I have 2 and would pay $100+ for another one. Just got a BNIB Bronze pigment for $85. Paid $100 something for coppera. My purple matte was $50, Mustard I got lucky with and it was $25, ummmm I can't think of anything else that's SUPER rare. Glitz, Clone, Black gold all those I paid anywhere from $10-$35 for. Heatherette I paid $25 for but that's the only lip product I'll ever pay more than retail for. Depends what it is basically. Only shadows, pigments or old mac jewelry though.

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