????..How often do you change ur polish?


Well-known member
I go in spurts where I will change maybe every other day and then I'll stop. I have natural nails so they eventually chip on me, especially now that its so damn cold they break like ice. So I will stop until they grow out more uniformly. Also I have a bad habbit of not being able to keep my hands still so I generally end up ruining my polish before it can dry.

I like pedis cuz toe nails hardly ever chip and they last longer.


Well-known member
i do about every 2 days. i like my nails to be fresh looking and feeling. i am so weird with that, i won't leave my house without nailpolish on!


Well-known member
umm.depends on my mood.


Well-known member
About 2 or 3 times a week! I don't do my toe nails in the winter tho, only in the summer if I wear open shoes.


Well-known member
I dont usually paint m fingernails but just my toenails. But I wont change the color until the color I already have on starts to chip. I'm so lazy plus I can't stand the smell of nail polish remover. The kind that I always buy tends to be very "weak" too, I'll have to rub rub rub and rub in order to get the polish off. So this whole process takes quite a bit of time.
I am really into nail polish these days. I usually re-polish them twice per week. I like the change, but I don't have time to do it everyday.


Well-known member
It varies for me, it depends on if I get sick of a colour really! I usually paint my nails twice a week.


Well-known member
Way too often. Out of nervous habit, I start picking at the nail polish and end up scratching all of it off. I bought a nail polish about a month ago and I'm already half way done with it.


Well-known member
I change my mani once a week thats when it starts to chip. I paint my toes maybe once per month and during the winter they don't match but in the summer I make sure they match .


Well-known member
Whenever it a.) chips or b.) I get bored and want to try something new.

I have an entire bin of untried nail polishes, so I'm trying to wear all of them at least once in the next few months.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by enigmatic
Way too often. Out of nervous habit, I start picking at the nail polish and end up scratching all of it off. I bought a nail polish about a month ago and I'm already half way done with it.

If mine even chip a little bit I end up taking it all off
I get so frustrated with myself
My new years resolution was not to bite/cut/file my nails down for as long as I could, and now the peeling off nail polish addiction started! Gah!!


Well-known member
every sunday i switch colors. every other week i dont wear polish, i'll do the CG Gel Calcuim thing for a few days so they're usually bare, but every sunday before bed i switch it up. im too busy to do it any more frequently than that. i have a ton of colors, so i do get that urge to change often, but i never do lol.


Well-known member
I usually repolish when the polish I have on starts to fade or dissapear and when I can tell that my nails have grown so I have that space in the nail polish. That's usually 1 or 2 times every 2 weeks, depending on which nail polish I am wearing.


Well-known member
I like to change the colors on my hands 1-2x/wk, esp if there's an evil chipping afoot ( I type a LOT). My toes usu get re-painted 1x/week, but if I'm busy or lazy and it doesn't chip after 7-10 days, I'll wait till 14. I don't have a lot of polish (40-50 bottles) but I do like variety, so I find myself slowly collecting more...I try to make sure to do a mani-pedi every sunday--it's my "me-time"


Well-known member
If I had time i probably change my nailpolish color everyday but i dont. I usually change color every 3-4 days. I am trying to hold out and only change colors once a week.


Well-known member
I like to go for a pedicure every two weeks, and a manicure once a month for shaping. Otherwise, I just change my own fingernail polish every week. It varies though, if I'm obsessed with a color i'll leave it, or redo the same shade~


Well-known member
I'm pretty boring, I usually wear really light colors like Essie Ballet Slippers or Marshmallow. I re-do my toes like every 2 weeks, & I don't paint my finger nails that much because I have natural nails & they chip so easily. I'm trying to get into doing my hands more often though.

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