How old are you???


Well-known member
19 turning 20! I don't want to leave my teenage years. I used to get such a thrill telling people I was 18 when they thought i was more i'm actually going to be in my 20's


Well-known member
I'm 31 according to my passport.
But on monday mornings I'm 53 (and look like this) and monday night at the club I was still sweet 16 !


Well-known member
*sigh* I've just turned 30 this past weekend. I won't lie.. I had a HARD hell of a time dealing with it. Geez.. who am I kiddin', I still am having a hard time with it lol. I certainly don't feel that age, if there is a such thing as "feeling" an age. I feel like i'm still 20, and I guess I'm just not feeling like i'm where I should be at this age. I guess not everyone has to follow the "plan", and hopefully I'll be able to pull my stuff together and get where I want to be. *cheers* to the other ladies who will soon be joining me in the third decade of their lives, and those who have already been there..


Well-known member
26, 27 this summer. The getting older thing doesn't bother me, but I have been going through a weird time realizing I'm concidered an adult now. Yeah I'm married and own a house, but I feel like a kid! My husband and I play video games, we really only watch kid movies (Harry Potter, The Dark Crystal, Spirited Away... we love them all!), we sometimes have dessert for dinner.

I ran into an old old friend. He said you remember Sophie right? I said no. He then reminded me this beautiful teenager in front of me was his four year old sister the last time I saw her. That was crazy. Made me feel aged, not old.
I don't mind grey hair (I want grey hair right now; a whole head full) it's getting wrinkles I'm not nuts about


Well-known member
33 and not bothered by it at all. I look better now than I ever have and I feel pretty good about me and my life.
Actually I'm in sort of a catch-22 situation right I get mad at peole for patronizing me because they think I'm younger than I am (because I am only 5'0") or do I thank them for not making me feel like I'm an aged matron? lol!


Well-known member
I'm going to be 34 at the end of April
The age thing doesn't bother me. I still act like a kid so everyone thinks I'm way younger than I am


Well-known member
Originally Posted by legaleagle
I'm the oldest one here, I think.

no you're not, I know there are some ladys around 40 here

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