heh. I'm 23. I will be 24 in Dec. I'm not sure if I feel old or young. I still get carded at rated R moves and buying cigarettes. The other day I was buying my friend cigarettes and the girl in front of me was buying some too, and she had her ID out ready to give it to the cashier, as did I and I saw her b-day. She had just turned 18 and the lady didn't ask for her ID.
But, I went up there and asked for the ciggies and she glared at me and said "We don't sell to minors" I handed her my ID and she was like...oh...oops.
Although, I was buying a bottle of liquor the other day and the guy didn't card me but carded my 28 year old guy friend. That was funny, cept I felt old!!!
I think, and hope I look my age. Although, I get glares because some women at bridal stores think I'm around 15 and I tell them I'm getting married in December. Oh...those are the beeest time.
The other day one of my neighbors came over and I answered the door and she wanted to know if I wanted to go over and play with her daughter who is 10. I was like..."...uuh...really? how old do you think I am??" she thought I was 12 or 13. I was like..."nope. 23."
Maybe in 10 years I will still look 10 years younger!! now *THAT* I will look forward too!