How rude?


Well-known member
My cousins and I just don't get along. Sometimes i don't really know the reason why. But today i just added one of them on facebook. He accepted my friend request and made this status:
"girls, when you have so much fake-up on that your face has a noticably lighter skin tone than your neck, you need to wash up and keep it real."

I know his family: mom, brothers and sisters hated on me. Especially when they saw me with makeup. Even if they didn't say anything but i do feel like they're hating on me. Seriously, i had heard of too many criticisms about me wearing too much makeup because it looks "fake". All i need to say to those people is "jealousy!". I love makeup because i think it's art of life, not something to cover up my ugliness. Honestly, i feel very confident w/o makeup too. I appreciated people who complimented me and whoever likes to hate, i don't give a crap.

And you? How do you feel when someone made such status on facebook? How will you comment on it?


Well-known member
WOW, that was extremely rude and inconsiderate! ive never had someone write status on facebook about me like that but i knowif it happened it have a witty response lined up for them.I know what you mean about the whole makeup thing and people not liking it. I wear makeup andi could care less,alot of family and friends hate it and they just stare at me and some do make comments (i dont even wear much makeup!) but i do come from an arabic family so they dont expect women to wear makeup - I say Screw them, do what makes you happy! and next time you see that cousin of yours makes sure your all dolled up and pretty and let him say what he wants! its obviously jealousy - what else would provoke someone to go that low?


Well-known member
The fact that he took his time to do that shows how pathetic he is. If he really loves you he would pull you aside and talk to you about it but people can be sad sometimes


Well-known member
So rude! I've had plenty of bitchy comments from 'friends' and family, obviously it gets to you because you think 'why do you care?!' but no doubt it's jealousy or insecurity that is at the root of I always tell myself, people who are taking the trouble to make comments about little old me, well they can't be that fulfilled or happy with their own lives can they? I always drum that into myself because gosh there are so many spiteful people out there looking to bring you down to their level. People who are truly content and happy do not care about what other people are doing!

It's also so dumb when people think makeup use = ugliness, trying to hide something etc...the worlds most beautiful and confident people i.e supermodels and actresses wear plenty of makeup...sure for some people it might be a crutch but for most it's just like doing your hair or wearing nice clothes.

Seriously, I wouldn't go down to his level, confuse him by wishing him all the best and saying something kind to him lol...he sure sounds like a petty little boy!


Well-known member
Wow!! I would delete him. There is no need for people like that in my list. Why add someone and then go and slag them off in public? WTF?? Just delete him.


Well-known member
You family members shouldn't be so petty as to hate you for wearing make up. That's just dumb, or they're classless. Typically, normal families probably just mention that you don't need so much because they think you're already cute as you are or something, "No one to impress blah blah blah."

IMO, you don't appear to even be wearing an extreme amount, so your cousin is probably saying in guy language, "Stop trying to hide your ugly." And we all know that's something a guy should never tell any girl unless he never wants to date again.


Well-known member
One of my guy friends commented on my Make-Up album on my Facebook - he said he doesn't know why girls feel the need to wear make-up unless they're trying to hide their ugliness. That really pissed me off. I know I'm not ugly and the fact that he commented RIGHT on my album made me so angry. I even went as far to reply right below his so everyone could see - that I'm not ugly, far from it and that my mother - who was probably one of the prettiest women in our town - wore it - and was beautiful regardless.

I ended up deleting both posts, but not before he and plenty of other people saw it. I don't like drama aired out. He ended up writing me a big apology because of it....guess I made him look like an asshole.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
I think you should just ignore it. He is being ignorant and until he wants to be open to differences he will continue to be ignorant. Tell him it bugged you, but don't be surprised if he won't apologize. Do what you love and don't feel bad for it.


Well-known member
How rude and disrespectful of your cousin! He shouldn't make that nasty comment about you wearing makeup to hide the ugliness! I would delete him off of your friend's list on Facebook if I were you. I've had a nasty comment on my brows on my blog that it looks unatural and undefined and I felt so hurt about it so I just ignored that post and just kept focused on what to blog next.


Well-known member
ew delete him, just cause he's family doesn't mean you have to be friends.


Well-known member
PS, i just looked thru a few of your fotds and you totally don't wear a lot...average at most! is it possible maybe he was referring to someone else? there's been a few times i swore statuses were about me but i turned out to be wrong


Well-known member
He sounds like an idiot. My family (mom, etc...) tell me I don't need makeup, because I'm beautiful without it. I will never understand why people need to be so mean, especially in such a public forum.


Well-known member
meanieeeee! just ignore him. If you try to reason with him, he might just be meaner!
Plus people like this are just out to get attention, just pretend that you don't really care about what he says! & i agree with Baci, you don't wear that much makeup & it's not like its cakey or anything. It just enhances your features
Some people are just rude. pfft


Well-known member
Judging from your avatar pic, you don't look like you put on too-much makeup. You look nice & natural. But I know how you feel. I have these 3 cousins - 2 from my dad's sister and 1 from my dad's brother, that has disliked/hated me since I was very little because I used to be a wild kid, I guess. So what, I was little and didn't know better. Jeez.
But anyway, when I was 9, I bought my first eyeshadow in Old Navy, purple color to be exact. And when I put it on for a party, my mom's co-workers (former now) said I was "too young", "ugly" and I was misbehaving for doing wtf?! Not to make any assumptions now, but I think it's an Asian thing (I'm Asian myself - Chinese to be exact).

Ah, okay, I probably shouldn't talk too much about my own life right now since it your post. hahaha
I think your cousin was really rude for doing that. He clearly was calling you out, and he knew it since the moment you guys became friends on FB. What I would do, is the next time you see him, criticize him on FB yourself. Not the best advice haha but eff that, he's never liked you anyways right?


Well-known member
I think it goes without saying that they obviously wanted some reaction out of you if they went out of their way to do something as silly as that. No one has ever done that to me, but even if they did, I would probably just laugh it off or let my friends handle it if they cared to. If it really bothered me, I would probably not respond, but just delete the comment. If they kept it up, I would ban them.


Well-known member
Better yet girl, block him. That'll really get across to him that what he said was not OKAY without having to say anything to him.

I agree with all the other girls that this misconception that all girls wear makeup to cover up their flaws, because they think they're ugly, etc is can be damaging to those girls who actually view makeup as an art form. But that in my opinion only goes to show how superficial these people's thinking can be. That they can't recognize that makeup takes real talent and skill (which from your picture you can tell that you've got!).

I've found that the best thing to do in these situations is to just keep doing your thing and look fierce cause all they want to to is just to bring you down out of jealousy or insecurity!


Well-known member
Why would someone hate you for wearing makeup? You aren't spending their money buying cosmetics, why would they care? If they don't have anything better to say, then they should just shut up. I don't understand these people. I'd definitely block him... what a weirdo.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I find it so weird that a guy would say something like that in his status. I've had women being bitchy to be about makeup (not on FB though). Guys are mostly just ignorant about makeup.

I would delete/block him like other girls said. I wouldn't care if the person is my cousin or whatnot. I don't get to choose members of my family and I don't really have time and patience for childish drama in my life.


Well-known member
delete and block. you don't need people like that bringing you down! esp. family for goodness sakes! so rude. and i agree with others - your make up looks fine sweetie so don't be paranoid at all