How seriously do you take the internet?

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
By the internet, I mean discussion boards and such. Have you learned things through discussions, made friends, been thoroughly outraged for days, etc.?

Or is it one joke to you, something to pass the time, fun only, etc.?

I'm curious what draws you to sections like "Deep Thoughts" and what people actually get out of these posts.


Well-known member
I like the (generally) intelligent exhange of ideas. More than once, someone has made a point that makes me re-evaluate my own stances or ponder something more in depth.


Well-known member
Generally, I don't.
Most of what's posted on the intardweb is invective and opinion.
If an honest and open exchange of opinions is going on, I'm usually interested, but as far as the whole "u r mah frind 4 eber" on the web...hahahah no. Not my bag.

Most of the people on my LJ and my myspace are people I actually know and have met or spoken to on a regular basis. What randomman2006 thinks of me on blankboarddotcom really isn't all that much a concern.
So I guess I'm kind of split on it?


Well-known member
i like how on specktra there are a vast majority of different people, cultures. i like to hear others opinions and such. but technically i dont know anyone here, so if they were to say something offensive it wouldn't bother me. i have defenetally learned things online though. for sure. =]


Well-known member
It's a time-killer for me. It's much more fun to debate in "deep thoughts" than it is to write a paper on something that you're not passionate about, or are just downright confused about.


Well-known member
Hhhm. I don't have a myspace because I think people on there misrepresent themselves and it's basically fake. (No, someone isn't your "boyfriend" if they live in Timbuktu and you message eachother on myspace!) I love Specktra because I love to engage in thought-provoking conversations. I'm completely not politically correct and it's gotten me in a bit of a rumble with some members before. But whatever. Theres going to be those people who can carry on civilized conversation and those whose seem to spend their days just looking to make trouble on Specktra or other boards. The thing you have to remember about the internet is that people can become anybody they choose and no one will be the wiser. It allows people to make up entire opinions and lives that don't exist in the real world. Like everything else, take it with a grain of salt.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dizzy
It's a time-killer for me. It's much more fun to debate in "deep thoughts" than it is to write a paper on something that you're not passionate about, or are just downright confused about.

I'm the same way. I just really don't want to do anything I SHOULD be doing haha


Well-known member
I don't take it too seriously, but it's always interesting to hear people's points of views when I would never have the conversation with the person cos they live halfway across the world...but mainly I use it for information/for fun.


Well-known member
I'd say I perceive the internet as both a serious thing & something in which to kill time. At my job (like right now) it's slow in general & I have a lot of free time. So, I enjoy browsing online to keep myself occupied so I don't pull my hair out due to insanity. I never really paid much attention to boards where you talked about serious/controversial things. Until I found Specktra. Maybe it's silly, but I really do feel comfortable talking about personal issues b/c it helps me to hear different opinions & feedback about them. I don't have much in the way of friends in person (I'm trying!) so, it's nice to hear from other people, so I don't pull my hair out due to insanity. It just depends on the site/subject matter, for me.


Well-known member
I have mixed feelings about the net too.
For me it is a great way to kill time and find like minded individuals. Its a great resource in that sense.
At the same time however, I know that the net only goes so far and I feel that while I have made some net friends so to speak, thats as far as it goes. Deep thoughts especially makes me think about certain issues, but I don't live my life by it.


Well-known member
I'm mixed on the topic too. Most people I have on myspace I know in person or talk to regulary. People I've met on Specktra are saved as friends as well. But, I dont' randomly just save people for the heck of it. I don't take anything on the internet seriously. I like to see other people's views and opinions about things. But people who get catty or e-fight...I don't let concern or bother me. I know who I am and what I do on a daily basis. So I try not to really get that involved. I love Specktra, and it's the only forum I'm apart of.


Well-known member
It depends on the the content and subject.

I really have learned a lot from certain discussions on here as well as a few photography forums/sites that I frequent. It's easier for me to learn from someone who has completely different views/interests/values who lives clear cut across the country via the internet than in person. These discussions are serious with the intent to learn something from someone else.

I've made several friends online & met them in person (only through the photography forums though. Not through instant messaging, myspace, or anywhere else) and I do value their friendship as if they were someone I made friends with in person.

However, like others, I do not take the whole adding a trillion gazillion people on my myspace, blog, etc seriously. I do pass time by surfing online too, but most of my time is spent seriously communicating with other individuals online.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I do not take the whole adding a trillion gazillion people on my myspace, blog, etc seriously.

I think of those people as "collectors." Anyone that they might know in passing they add... I know one person who does it to look popular, like I know some people who think the number of messages on a Facebook wall correlates to popularity or get upset when no one comments on one lj entry.


Well-known member
Meh, not so seriously. I take it as a form of entertainment. I don't visit other boards usually. I don't have time for the petty shit they usually entail.

I enjoy Specktra as it has a great mix of people. It has its roots in MAC, but branches out to many other areas. I am a cosmetics whore, so Specktra keeps me happy. I love getting the scoop on upcoming collections.

It is nice being able to chat with people from around the world. That gives a different perspective to things.

I have learned a lot of really helpful things. I have also been exposed to and considered things I maybe wouldn't in everyday life.

I also enjoy the anominity of it. You can talk to people who give you an opinion that's free of their views of your life. Did that make sense? I mean that it is an opinion that is different from a friend's who sees you in everyday life. On that same note, I do also realize the other side of that. By that I mean that a lot of people misrepresent themselves. There is always that chance that "Jane Doe", a 26 year old from Portland is really Harvey the 43 year old, hairy-crack exposing plumber from Cleveland. Blllah. Sorry if that give you a visual.


Well-known member
I've made lifelong friends, met my spouse, learned about points of view from other cultures, laughed, cried, raged, giggled, and everything that anybody can do in real life. I don't take message boards very seriously because I've always believed that my ability to entertain, make people laugh, and my empathy, are my strongest points.

So, I'd say, it depends on the board and the discussion.


Well-known member
Myspace and stuff is different.. because I actually know those people in real life..

But places like this. Well.. I don't really take things too seriously. Its a good place to come if you need to talk about things that you can't talk about with other people (ie the Bi Women thread). You can get opinions from people without worrying about it coming back to haunt you in real life..

But if people start fighting with me and being stupid then thats just retarded and I don't care.


Well-known member
I try not to take it too seriously...but then I go back through my blog and read this comment "I looked at your pictures and your so-called makeup reminded me of dogshit smeared on this strange lady's face. oh well". Stupid whore! I'm a little pissed...but I think I know who it was...and I'd like to kick her ass anyway...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissMarley
I try not to take it too seriously...but then I go back through my blog and read this comment "I looked at your pictures and your so-called makeup reminded me of dogshit smeared on this strange lady's face. oh well". Stupid whore! I'm a little pissed...but I think I know who it was...and I'd like to kick her ass anyway...

OMG! Your makeup is beautiful! I'd say whoever it was just wanted to make you feel bad.
Don't let it get to you!


Well-known member
Please don't call me stupid because of this. Most of my social life is online. I don't get along with people very well in person. I swear I have some sort of mental disability (my parents don't believe me) and it's noticable enough that a lot of people at my school realize that something is wrong with me and don't really take me seriously or realize that I should be treated like other people. I also don't trust anyone because I have such a history of being treated badly and looked down on. I don't have any close friends in person. When I'm posting on message boards or instant messaging someone, those flaws don't show. I'm easier to understand and what I'm thinking translates a lot better to what I'm saying. I have friends online who I talk to every day and I can tell them more than I can tell anyone I know in person.

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