How to approach women who wear heavy,scene makeup?


Hello all. Hope maybe some ladies can give me advice on meeting more women who enjoy their makeup and appreciate a guy who does too. My ex wife was very pretty but would wear almost no makeup even though she knew I liked it. My last girlfriend wore it a lot since she knew I liked it. But then she was pretty from her toes to her nose and she always wanted me to play with her pretty feet so she would dress them up in stockings and all kinds of sexy heels to show off for me. And I guess since I did that for her she wore makeup for me. But I don't work in a job that I meet a lot of women anymore and when I see one wearing scene type or heavy makeup I get tongue tied. Just wondering what advice you all might have for me if and when I find one that I don't know.


Well-known member
honestly i would just compliment them on their make up! quite often i have people comment on the make up i am wearing (be it a male or female) and generally i thank people and then tell them what brand i'm wearing. i'm not sure if everybody does this - part of me draws attention to the brand because i'm not so confident with the attention on myself!- but it gets people in conversation. in fact some of my customers at work have asked to speak to 'the lady with the bright make up' on the phone which causes my work mates much amusement. :) good luck with meeting a lovely lady :)