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How to cover up acne. (Long and extremely picture heavy)


Well-known member
Great Tut!!!!!


Active member
I remember trying to do this....I bought drugstore green corrector but I used way too much in the mis-guided idea that more is better. I need to go back and study your tut better because my result was nowhere near as nice as yours!


Well-known member
Wow great tutorial! I've been waiting for someone to do a tut on how to cover up acne. Great job, and your so cute! lol



Well-known member
Wow thank you so much for this! I have such hard time covering the redness from acne so thank you!!
you are soo pretty!


Well-known member
wow those pictures were awesome! the foundation blends so well with ur skintone. I'm so jealous. Still trying to match now that Revlon Colorstay discontinued one of the shades and the shade i"M using now is a bit darker. Grrrrrrrr. btw awesome tutorial.

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