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How to do a quality home manicure on natural nails


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GreekChick
I bought the Essie glass nail file. My nails are only under alot of stress when I am at work, placing colors on the displays, banging them on lipsticks, however, when I am not working, and I file them, they seem to split right away! It's difficult to desrcibe but it's like 2 nails in one: you file your nails, and you see another nail under your real nail (very thin and fragile). It shows me that they have split!
I assumed they were breaking because they were dry, but I also invested in a cuticle and nail oil (Sally Hansen), as well as OPI's Nail Envy, which does miracles are strengthening them.
I really think my problem is rooted in the way I file my nails. When I trim then, they are fine, but as soon as I file them, they split.

I know I'm kind of too late to ask, but i was wondering how's the quality of Essie crystal file? Thanks
Originally Posted by looovemac
I know I'm kind of too late to ask, but i was wondering how's the quality of Essie crystal file? Thanks

The Essie nail file is awesome. It's double-sided, beveled egdes, comes with a clear case to protect it, leaves nail edges smooth as butter, and it's @ $10.00 - $14.00 (I bought mine at Trade Secret). It also comes in a purse size version.


Well-known member
Thank you. This inspires me to do my nails :) I have issues with dead/dry skin on the sides of my nails... do you have any tips for taking care of that?

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