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***How to take better makeup pictures with your camera***


Thanks for that, it was really useful.

I'm gonna play with my camera now to see what I can do


Well-known member
AWESOME tutorial. I love it. As I read the instructions I took out my camera and started adjusting everything and I finally got really nice natural pictures. Now I can post more FOTD pics.


Thank you so much. You just saved me heaps of money. I was thinking of buying a DSLR.. Woohooo I will try this tonight..Fingers cross that it will turn out good..


Well-known member

can somebody please help me... i have a CANON digitial IXUS 100IS

can somebody please tell me how i can get the best pics with this camera of mine?

the pics never seem to do justice to my makeup and can look very garish and cakey?



Well-known member
How to take great pictures

I want to start posting photos but for some reason, I can't capture it right. It looks dusty when I do. Please help


Well-known member
Re: How to take great pictures

Originally Posted by mekaboo
I want to start posting photos but for some reason, I can't capture it right. It looks dusty when I do. Please help

Try using the Macro setting on your camera. Also, when you take a picture half hold down the button for a moment before pressing it down fully (this lets the lens focus better - on my camera this works anyways!).
Hope that helps!


Well-known member
Re: How to take great pictures

Can we see some of the pictures that doesn't work? That would make it easier to see what you can do differently.

But yes, use the macro function, make sure there is plenty of light. A lot of daylight plus lights on is the way to go. And make sure you focus by pressing the button halfway down first. And hold the camera still!


Active member
Oh there is a thread about how to take photos *jump*

I am using a Nikon D90 (18-200mm) and a wireless button to focus (don't know how it is called in englisch
), but my self-portrait pictures are always totally washed out! Do you know what I should do?? I also tried to change the time and the ISO manually and I try to get sunlight from the window..
Maybe it's the objective, which isn't good for indoor photos?

Greets Chrisi


Well-known member
Thanks for the tutorial! I've just started taking pictures of my looks and this will help a lot!
This was the MOST helpful thing I've read since starting my beauty blog a week ago. Thanks si much for the obvious time and care you put into this tutorial!


Well-known member
Thank you for posting this tutorial! I just bought a dslr so this will be very handy when I create my makeup portfolio!

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