How'd you come up with your Specktra name?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DaisyDee
Isn't your name Michele? That's my name.

haha my name is michelle too... crazy... anyway my name speaks for itself


Well-known member
sometimes Serenity Eludes me. lol my life LACKS the serene enviroment that i so badly need. I hate the word STRESS (or any variations of it). When people ask me whats wrong i just say Serenity eludes me right now. I liked the way it looked and decided to use it as a s/n


Well-known member
well one day two people met eachother, dated a few months, got engaged, then got married, and had a baby five years later. this baby was me.

ahahha its my real name. minus the charl at the beginning.


New member
Mine is a acronym for the people in my family.
M arc
A lex
C athy
K eith
M aggie
E sther
It seemed to fit cause I love MAC and my family.


Well-known member
midnightlouise is the name of a little black cat who is a private detective in a series of mystery books by Carole Nelson Douglas. Midnight Louise is little but sassy & tough and likes to know the truth. I love the books & this character seemed alot like me, plus I love cats


Well-known member
Mine was just some silly thing I thought of spur of the moment when I was siging up to another forum. I rarely use the same SN on forums (mostly cos I have ADD and forget everything
) but this one sounded funny and unusual, I knew no one else would have it.