vanillaa: I'm glad you like it
laguayaca: thank you!
ellenchristine, vanillaa, Lizzie, RoseyPosey, ambicion6: I will try to whip a tutorial together next week, promise! I'm so glad you guys liked it!
FiestyFemme: Thanks hun!
Jot: Thanks!
vetters77: Thank you
gitts: You're welcome, and thanks for your sweet comment it made me happy
Kinderwhore: You should read the books, they're a thousand times better than the movies! Glad you liked my MU-series
n_c: thanks hun!
Willa: zum zum zum
thank you!
pdtb050606: Thanks!
Zoffe: Awh, thanks hun!
florabundance: Thank you! I use a Canon EOS 400D.
civicbabe627: Today was a good skin day, acctually
emeraldjewels: thank you!
aleksis210: Thank you so much hun, I'd love to see your take on this!
ceesee823: thanks!
brokenxbeauty: glad you like it!
ambicion6: the cut crease method is when you don't blend the crease colour into the lid colour, only into the highlight, to create a sharp line in the crease!
krasevayadancer: I'm glad you like it!
mamadiaspora: Thank you so much!
chiquilla_loca: thank you!