Humid Pigment?


Well-known member
Hi everyone, I saw this on NZ's version of Ebay, Trademe: MAC Humid USED ONCE! for sale - - New Zealand and wanted to check it's authenticity. I know Humid is an eyeshadow, MAC don't usually double up on names do they?


Well-known member
Yes Humid is the eyeshadow. As far as I am aware, there has never been a Humid Pigment. Usually when pigments are named the same as eyeshadows it is because they are fake. I would not buy this product if I were you.


Well-known member
Just agreeing, fake. There is no such Humid pigment and has never been. There are a lot of fake piggies atm with e/s names - not the first time we have seen these, they come around in lots from time to time.


Well-known member
MAC does double up on names, but usually not a lot of eyeshadows & pigments.

I think teal, bronze, purple, fushia, golden olive, grape, green, kelly [green], melon, mustard, orange, rose, vanilla, & white are the only exceptions and have both an eyeshadow and a pigment.


Well-known member
Narrowly missed again - I had a bid already on another pigment, Spritualize, which looked like it check out - I checked the pictures that it had on the auction with those in the guide here on Specktra and it looked okay. But I was suspicious and was wishing I hadn't bid. Still, I thought I'd leave it and take my chances. It was just about to finish when I clicked refresh, only to be informed that the auction had been withdrawn by an admin as the seller had failed to provide proof they weren't impeaching on MAC's intellectual copyright. Well! Seems like a narrow miss there, and good on Trademe for following this up. I had checked the seller's feedback and it looked good but was still uncertain.
It's hard to get MAC without going driving an hour or more here in NZ, hence why I'd been looking online but this is my lesson - I'm only going to purchase from the counter now. I guess it's a good thing as I will be saving up for my counter purchase to get the things I really want

Frustrating that it's so hard to find authentic MAC though