I bought a 120 MAC palette by mistake


Hello there,

Not sure why I am making this post. I guess it is mostly a confessional. I saw several people mention that they think that people who fall for the 120 Palette scheme to be idiotic or something. So I assume I may get flamed for this post :/

I am one of the suckers that fell for the MAC 120 Palette scams on Ebay. It came with a 24 MAC Brush Roll. Being a newbie at MAC products it didn't even occur to me that there could be such a thing as a MAC counterfeit product.

It cost me 99.99 total and I am currently trying to get my money back. I have contacted Ebay and the seller and both have not contacted me back. It has only been 24 hours so perhaps I haven't given them enough time.

I am rather angry about it though. I refuse to put potentially lead filled makeup on my eyes or pay way more for a product that is normally selling for 24 bucks under the name of Manly or whatever. Not to mention that I am irritated that I fell for something and was so easily tricked.

I normally like the think that I am not so easily fooled, but maybe not?



Well-known member
No one here should flame you for making a mistake. I know that sometimes, people that purchase the 120 etc palettes on ebay get criticised (indeed, I think that I have criticised such people), but, really I think this criticism comes out of frustration that dishonest sellers are getting away with selling such items and there is not a lot that can be done about it, apart from trying to educate buyers, and even that can't be done directly anymore since ebay started blocking names.

Believe me, you are not the only person that has brought fake MAC. We all started at different points, and all began to research at different times in our MAC purchasing. I thought that I knew about counterfeit mac, but I've still managed to get duped on a couple of shadows, and it's only constant updating and reading these boards that helps me with my purchases now.

I hope that you get your money back. Let us know how it goes.


Well-known member
I posted a thread here recently about this palettes. If feel sorry for you because you paid so much money for an item that is not worth it. I always do a little bit of research before purchasing any product and if the purchase is for a high amount of money I even research more :p

The good thing is that you realized the palette is a fake (and sorry to say this, but there're many chances for the brush roll to be also a fake).

I'm not sure if you already have the product or not. In case you paid for it and later realized the fake issue I guess the way to get a refund is contacting the seller or ebay as you've already done. If you have received the items and the seller do not contact you soon you should file a claim with paypal.

And don't punish yourself, we all make mistakes


Well-known member
I honestly have seen those in the past and almost bought it myself!!

Keep contacting them!

Im sorry this shouldnt happen to anyone!!


Well-known member
I don't generally purchase things online, and that is the ONLY thing that saved me from purchasing fake MAC. No lie! I didn't even know fake MAC existed, so don't feel too bad hon! I hope you get your money back from the lying sneak thieves! Grr, bastards! In any case I highly recommend purchasing the 120 palettes from somewhere, Manly or bhcosmetics or something. I love mine!!


Well-known member
Did you use paypal ? I think you can dispute a charge is the product is fake and they claim to guarantee any purchase , or if you put it on a Credit Card call the credit card compnay and dispute the charge - you can also do this with a debit card too


Well-known member
Originally Posted by angi
No one here should flame you for making a mistake. I know that sometimes, people that purchase the 120 etc palettes on ebay get criticised (indeed, I think that I have criticised such people), but, really I think this criticism comes out of frustration that dishonest sellers are getting away with selling such items and there is not a lot that can be done about it, apart from trying to educate buyers, and even that can't be done directly anymore since ebay started blocking names.

Believe me, you are not the only person that has brought fake MAC. We all started at different points, and all began to research at different times in our MAC purchasing. I thought that I knew about counterfeit mac, but I've still managed to get duped on a couple of shadows, and it's only constant updating and reading these boards that helps me with my purchases now.

I hope that you get your money back. Let us know how it goes.

Sylva,like Angi,says nobody is going to flame you"roast you etc,etc!
Angi and I and probably others report these fake 120palettes to ebay,all the time!It is the shameful and greedy sellers who are to blame so don't be so hard on yourself but hey girl £99!!
May we have the name of your seller please?

I will be watching their future listings like a hawk!Hope you get your money back

ps.even though i have used Mac brand for ages,i fell a victim to a fake Mac zoom lash ...but i have confided in Julie150463,and she recommended this site (woohoooo)but lesson learned!Spectra simply rocks!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dahlia_Rayn
I don't generally purchase things online, and that is the ONLY thing that saved me from purchasing fake MAC. No lie! I didn't even know fake MAC existed, so don't feel too bad hon! I hope you get your money bac, from the lying sneak thieves! Grr, bastards! In any case I highly recommend purchasing the 120 palettes from somewhere, Manly or bhcosmetics or something. I love mine!!

ooh Dahlia,you are right! Manly sell for like £10 including postage if im not mistaken.Striking eyemakeup,it really suits ya


Well-known member
I posted this piccy and link to the auction on the other thread,but here we go again:Item number:250579139072 seller:braveheart0192 sold for £88 +£7p&P
I have reported this auction twice and it was allowed to run!Shame!

Item number:120528898906
the_makeup_st0re same thing,reported too,nothing was done!Sold for £56!



Well-known member
If you paid through paypal you can file a claim and get your money back. Please do that right away. I did that, when I bought a fake mac brush, and I got a full refund.


Thank you so much to everyone for their words of support.

The seller returned my money and from what I can tell, he/she removed the other MAC items they were trying to sell.

This is what they said to me in response:

[FONT=arial,sans-serif]Sorry for the delay answering your messages. I was unable to get internet access the last 48 hrs because of weather issue. I just start selling Mac recently, i got it from a local seller that assure me that it's authentic. I understand your concern, so i will issue you a full refund within 24 hrs. Once again, sorry for the delay.

[FONT=arial,sans-serif]- 7221papa



Ms. Z

Well-known member
No, they didn't remove all their listings, they are selling a counterfeit MAC 19 piece brush set.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sylvanring
Thank you so much to everyone for their words of support.

The seller returned my money and from what I can tell, he/she removed the other MAC items they were trying to sell.

This is what they said to me in response:

[FONT=arial,sans-serif]Sorry for the delay answering your messages. I was unable to get internet access the last 48 hrs because of weather issue. I just start selling Mac recently, i got it from a local seller that assure me that it's authentic. I understand your concern, so i will issue you a full refund within 24 hrs. Once again, sorry for the delay.[/FONT]

[FONT=arial,sans-serif][FONT=arial,sans-serif]- 7221papa[/FONT][/FONT]

Glad you got your money back. A lot of us, including me
made the same mistake as a newbie in buying fake mac not knowing. But this forum is the best
helping you to learn to spot them.

And right the seller bravebeart0192 relistet again. Has anyone reported yet?


Originally Posted by Ms. Z
No, they didn't remove all their listings, they are selling a counterfeit MAC 19 piece brush set.

Wow, he must have just put that up there!!

I already contacted other people that bought MAC from him and already one of them wrote me back and was upset about it. I wonder if they can return their product.


for some reason I am not able to see any other MAC products being sold by this seller. Only cell phones. If someone could link me to that sale, that would be greatly appreciated.


Well-known member
I guarantee he knows they're fake. He's hoping the purchasers won't know the difference, and if a buyer calls him on it, he knows he's got no standing, so he eats the loss. Even if they're turned in, these sellers just keep inventing new IDs and go about their business.


Well-known member
$99? that seller should be ashamed! I bought a similar pallete for around $15 while I like it I know that it isn't MAC. I hope you're able to recover your purchase.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sylvanring
for some reason I am not able to see any other MAC products being sold by this seller. Only cell phones. If someone could link me to that sale, that would be greatly appreciated.

I checked the sellers that are mentioned in this thread and that's the status I found:

7221papa has currently no mac listings
braveheart0192 has listed the 19 piece brush set
the_makeup_st0re has currently no mac listings


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
I guarantee he knows they're fake. He's hoping the purchasers won't know the difference, and if a buyer calls him on it, he knows he's got no standing, so he eats the loss. Even if they're turned in, these sellers just keep inventing new IDs and go about their business.

Amen to that
i feel exactly the same!Ebay is too blame though as they make far,far to easy for all the scammers to invent new ID's!

Prime example:UK seller of fake Mac :
qualitywear888 who is now NARUd has become now :qualityclothing8

Item number: 250582365735 29 sold! at £14.99


ps.I have reported to ebay that NARUD seller trading again under new ID!