Hi girls!!
Me stupid!!
I bought a poor ugly chinese counterfeict fake blush
I can send to you all the photos of this shit...
This the transaction, as you see it seemed a real one from these...
The seller says that it is not a counterfeict and invented an excuse....she said she was given by a beauty magazine,....such a big lie...
From the auction photo I was sure that the item was geniune but when it arrived yesterday....me stupid,.....she did a good photo in order to camuflage the matter..
I will do this evening many many photos to the item in order to let you laugh to my stupidity...in the meantime I would like to alert you not to buy fron HER!!
I already open a dispute with paypal, informed ebay and left a negative feedback to her.


Well-known member
Exact same thing thing happened to me on ebay with a seller that has actually been recommended here several times. I filed a clam with Paypal and thankfully got my money back. Hope everything works out for you
I am a bit mad, 'cause after being frauded I have also to waiste my time and MONEY to send back the item with registered post in order to have the refund........
This world is really crazy...


Well-known member
I wouldnt be sending the item back until you get the refund.... once you send it back you may never see your refund at all. File a dispute and let paypal deal with it!
It is the F***ING Paypal tha requires me to give a tracking number and AFTER when the seller will have receive it, I will (never) have back my money.
Paypal is breaking Italian Govern Rules and is pushing me to commit a reate.
And more ...are they so intellingent to understand that not only she won't send me back money but she will also ready to RESTART and sell it again to somebody else.
I will inform a lawyer annd I will run towrds Paypal behaviour if they won't immediately send me back the money...


Well-known member
i just looked at the picture of the item and yeah, i dont think i have ever seen any MAC blushes look like that. good luck with trying to get paypal to return your money.
Hi my dear friends!!
As promised here the photo of the s**t I was able to buy after many years of Mac addiction.....from the auction photo I coudn't imagine how ugly was this fake...
The seller of course disappeared.
I sent these photos also to Paypal giving of course full cooperation but absolutely saying NO to returning the product, asking for full refung and for kicking off seller's ass fro Paypal and Ebay..........

I repeat for all of you, don't buy from this seller.
She sold a counterfeict to me and after denied it too.
I repeat her name:



Well-known member
I know the older MAC e/s looked exactly like the blush you have so I'm assuming that the blush is indeed authentic! I pretty sure that is genuine but of course old!!! Good luck! It sucks hardcore that she didn't send you the blush that was in her listing picture, and I'd be pissed too, but like I said it looks authentic.


I honestly think that it's real. MAC blushes did come in screw top containers exactly like that and there was a shade called "Sierra". I used to have some old screw top e/s and from what I remember, the labels looked like that.


Well-known member
It looks real to me, just older packaging. In fact I have a creme liner I use (still good, believe it or not) that's in a pot with a screw-on lid and I'd be glad to provide a photo if you'd like. Basically, when it comes to buying from a source other than a counter most people have this fear they are getting taken, which sadly can be a reality. However, on the other hand I've noticed that a lot of people want to call something a fake just because an item doesn't look similar to what is in their makeup case now. I'll use Bobbi Brown as an example...the pot style was changed to clear lids a year or so ago, where they used to be all black. Someone who is familiar with the new style lid may not be familiar with the older pot and could easily think it's a fake, when actually it's not...just older. It pays to do your homework and if you see something that doesn't look right ask questions. On that note, the seller should have disclosed that the blush had a screw-on lid in the item description though. PS...If you're still in doubt try looking up info on vintage Mac items to see if you can find anything. Good luck!