I bought MAC online, but i cant tell if they're fake or not, please help me! (+pics)


New member
Hello guys, yesterday i got the mac eyeshadows that i bought on this site:
Genie Cosmetics - High Quality Cosmetics at

i was so happy with them, BUT... lately, when i was reading some posts here on spektra.net , i found a lot of threads about the really good fake mac products going around the internet... so i got scared, i'm not sure if these eyeshadows are genuine or not, i never bought mac eyeshadows at mac corners or mac pro stores, so i cant make comparisons, that's why i need your help

I'm SOOOO confuse, because they look so real and they look almost genuine...

i took a lot of pictures to help you tell if these are fake or not...
i make the yellow marks on some pictures just to make it easier ...

So... this is how the back of the eyeshadows looks like...
Btw NONE of the eye shadows came with the scratches on them, i made them all trying to test it out the quality of the paper...


Shimmermoss and rice paper...


Hepcat and Mystery... (The sticker on the mystery's one looks different than all the other e/s)


Black Type (made in Italy???? :S it is normal?) and Da bling... Color fonts are a little bit different


Bright sunshine (where's the type of the eye shadow here????? it doesn't say if it's a matte color , satin , veluxe etc... maybe because this is a pro color? can be this the reason? :S ) Cranberry (packaging looks like limited edition ones).


Omega refill (why is in the white packaging? :S i know that omega came out with a collection in 2007 i believe, but, does limited edition shadows comes in refill form too?)


Sketch refill... (nothing to say about it.......)




Ok here's the problem i can't understand WHY the text on some of the boxes have normal font, and some have bold font... @_@


Sorry, for the blurry pic


OK ARGHHHH. This thing made me go mad.... as you can see (yellow mark/ Blanc Type eye shadow box) there's a word wrong spelled... it says OARMINE instead of CARMINE like the other ones... Can this happen with real mac products? :S



Which color should they have? those ones are a little bit shiny (not glossy).

Ok then... i tried to depot one shadow to see the packaging inside... and this is what i got...


The plastic seems to have the hint of gold that the mac genuine boxes have... and the pan looks nice too, like real mac ones...


This is how it looks like on the inside... i know that here's a topic that says that this type of plastic boxes are fake.. but i have to say that i was looking at some videos on youtube about depotting mac to see how the eye shadows looks when they're depotted and i noticed that they're almost ALL DIFFERENT at the inside, so i dont know..... i think this is not really important then...

Some more pictures...



Cranberry, blanc type , bright sunshine...



Hepcat, shimmermoss, rice paper....


I got a mac foundation too.... here's some pictures...
(the color looks lighter on natural light)


And a blush.... True romantic...

That's all... if you need more pictures please tell me!

I need to clarify this situation, please help me understand!

I know mac boxes can chance so much, but i dont have real mac products to look at... the smell of the shadows are ok, they smell like any e/s that i have... the color payoff is really good and textures too, they're not powdery at all...

Please excuse my english too, I know it's so poor

EDIT: I did the scratch test a couple of times on each box too, and everything was ok, the boxes didn't got any scratches on them.

EDIT: ALL the mac eye shadow boxes have the Bac2Mac thing printed on it. Fakes ones have it too? :/

Paint&Ink Chick

Well-known member
I know some of the eyeshadow fakes on ebay are raised a lil' bit more then have a section underneath with a mirror & appplicator (like the loreal hip duos). But the mis-spelled? If they do come back that some of them are fakes,I would contact the seller.


Well-known member
Da Bling looks to be a fake--the spacing being wrong is a tip off. White casing looks suspicious, I don't remember a special packaging with white pot and Cranberry--but maybe people into MAC for longer do. The mis-spelling on the label looks to be fake.

I would send them back to seller. If one is fake, then I doubt the rest.


Well-known member
Cranberry was a re-release for Moonbathe, so the white pot makes sense

I believe that oldddd MAC pro pan sleeves were white, but I don't know the exact details of it, sorry
. But the fact that your pan says it was made in 2001 may be early enough for them to still have the white sleeves implemented. I wasn't into MAC back then, so I can't be positive


Well-known member
Originally Posted by martiangurll
White casing looks suspicious, I don't remember a special packaging with white pot and Cranberry--but maybe people into MAC for longer do.

Cranberry was released in the white pot as part of the Moonbathe collection in May 2007.

I'm not too familiar with the characteristics of that packaging as I don't own any, however a check of the batch code would be one check - it would have to have been produced before May, in 2007.

Here's a link to the Moonbathe Discussion thread, where there may be helpful images for comparison!

Bright Sunshine is a pro shade - which may be why there's no finish listed. Hoping an MUA more familiar with the pro-shade pots jumps in on this one.

The Omega refill in the white envelope - I am not familiar with any pro-pans released in white envelopes. LE collections don't normally come in pro pan form.

For the rest... My Blanc Type label has been damaged so I don't know where it was made and my Da Bling is a pro pan so I can't review the fonts on the sticker. I am concerned about the typo on the boxes, and the fonts on some of the bottom-of-the-pot stickers look a little off. It's tricky to tell!


Well-known member
Hiya,I agree with Red,contact the seller..there are some discrepancies

i also be concerned about the authenticity of the foundation...I was told that Mac,are really specific about their packaging and i looked at my Select and Mineralize,foundation glass pot,and they don't have that dip in the bottom they way yours have...i know that machine makes the glass containers but still it looks odd to me

The actual glass has a very smooth almost satin feel to it it might sound strange but the quality of glass is very good ie:it was made professionally
Let me take a pic and post it here to see what i mean



Well-known member
If it is of any help, I remember buying a blush refill a while ago from a MAC store and it was in white packaging. I have no idea why (maybe someone who works at MAC could help) but obviously some MAC refills do come in white envelopes so that doesn't automatically mean that they are fake. As for the other eyeshadows, even though I have them, I have depotted them all and I no longer have the pans to compare them


Well-known member
I also wanted to add that I just checked my Select foundation and it looks just like yours (front, back & bottom).
Just like everyone else said, Cranberry was released with Moonbathe a few years back with the white packging & Bright Sunshine is a pro color and pro colors don't mention the finish.
I don't know for sure but if they are indeed fake, they've done a very good job, they are very similar to real ones


Well-known member
everything looks to be real here, except for maybe the "da bling"

many times pro colors come from the pro store with wacky labelling. Once I bought "Canary Yellow" from them, and it came labeled "bright yellow", which is no such mac color name, but it came directly from the mac pro website. I even had them send me a replacement, and it came exactly the same the second time. They are missing the finish names sometimes too.


Well-known member
LC, I bought 'canary yellow' over the phone from MAC (since it is a pro colour and I am unable to buy it any other way). When it arrived, it was labelled 'bright yellow' so I phoned them to tell them they had sent me the wrong one. She went off to check with someone, and when she came back she told me that in the USA it is called 'canary yellow' but in the UK it is 'bright yellow' but that it is indeed the same colour.


Well-known member
I don't really trust that Rice Paper eyeshadow. What's with the spacing on the box sticker? :S