I can't believe it!


Well-known member
I just need to vent a little
As many are, its holidays, so I don't work until the 3rd of january.

To make it short, at my job we have some kind of message board for the campers. As we are the official Quebec's campgrounds rating association, our website is well known in the industry and by the campers. Anyway, each morning (weekly) I have to correct and moderate the board so it stays a good place with accurate informations for the people who need it (mostly about the places people like or tips for a good trip, what kind of tire to buy...).

During the holiday, I tought I wouldn't have to moderate anything but I was wrong. A gang of 6-7 people keep anoying us, make-up stories. I have to re-ban them each time... It's been 1 year ½ that I work there, and still they come back once in a while just to bug, anoy... On the evening of the 24th, when we got back from my parent's place, I checked (something told me to) and they did it again.

I mean, you are in your mid 50's, could you do something else with your life, your time. Don't you have groceries to make or anything???

I just didnt know what to do, so I removed the offensive chat they made, and went to bed. The day after, I had to close the board for public reading, it was enough!!! And still, its closed. I don't want it to interfeir with my life, MY time. They keep writing emails at my job's (I can read it by Thunderbird). I just don't know what else to do, they live in a state of paranoia, they don't want us to explain.

For an example : on our board, you can't talk about free camping sites. The thing is, we produce a camping guide, people we rate and put in our guide pay for that service, the evidence is there : we don't talk about free camping and that's it! I don't think its difficult to understand, isnt it?

These people keep talking about it! They just focus on what is not permited instead of chating with people who like camping, as they all do!

I just can't believe that people in their 50's are this immature... Get a life... no?


Thanks for reading, and by the way I totaly understand how the moderator's on other boards, this one for instance, can feel sometimes!



Well-known member
Exactly, I can't wait for the day that my boss will decide to shut down the board. Since he's not very good with computers, I'm gessing he didnt go online to check it during the holidays...

I'm not joking, one user even made up a blog about what he thinks is the truth about us, but it's full of lies. He's a paranoiac and wants everyone who subscribe to our board to believe his lie.

We offered him about 5 times to call us, so we can explain, and tell him what the facts are, but he doesnt want to talk to us. A big moron...

I hate when people don't want to listen to the facts.


Well-known member
What a bunch of douchebags. That sucks, hope your boss shuts it down and takes some stress off of your shoulders.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Eemaan
can you not just block their ISPs?

They always come back